英语听力汇总   |   总统也烦恼 历届美国总统丑闻大盘点(双语)






Andrew Jackson 安德鲁·杰克逊(美国第七任总统:1829-1837年)

1 . Andrew Jackson's Marriage


Before Andrew Jackson was president, he marrieda woman named Rachel Donelson in 1791. She had previously been married and believed that she was legally divorced. However, after marrying Jackson, Rache lfound out this was not the case. Her first husband charged her with adultery.Jackson would have to wait until 1794 to legally marry Rachel. Even though this happened over thirty years previously, it was used against Jackson in theelection of 1828. Jackson blamed Rachel's untimely death two months before hetook office on these personal attacks against him and his wife。

在杰克逊当选总统之前,他曾在1791年和一位叫Rachel Donelson的女士结成连理。这位Rachel之前曾有过一段婚姻,但她自己说已经离婚了。然而,事实却并非如此,在嫁给杰克逊之后,Rachel的前夫以通奸罪起诉了Rachel。直到1794年,杰克逊才和Rachel成为合法夫妻。尽管在1828年杰克逊竞选总统时,这件事情已经过去30多年,但它依旧成为了攻讦杰克逊工具。在杰克逊当选总统的前两个月,Rachel就去世了。而Rachel的去世却更是引发了人们对杰克逊和她的人身攻击。


2 . Black Friday – 1869


Ulysses S. Grant's administration was rife with scandal. The first major scandal dealt with speculation in the gold market.Jay Gould and James Fisk attempted to corner the market. They drove up the price of gold but Grant found out and quickly had the Treasury add gold to the economy. This in turn resulted in the lowering of gold prices on Friday, September 24, 1869 which adversely affected all those who had bought gold。

格兰特在任期内可以算得上是丑闻缠身。其中,第一个大的丑闻关于他在黄金市场的投机活动。为了垄断市场,Jay Gould 和James Fisk故意提高了黄金的价格,但却不幸被格兰特发现。而格兰特在发现之后,立即命令财政部在市场上投放大量黄金。格兰特的这一行为直接导致1869年9月24号星期五黄金价格的下跌,很多人都因此损失惨重。

3 . Credit Mobilier


The Credit Mobilier company was found to be stealing from the Union Pacific Railroad. However, they tried tocover this up by selling stocks in their company at a large discount to government officials and Congress members including Vice President Schuyler Colfax. When this was discovered, it hurt many reputations including that of Ulysses S. Grant's VP。

美国莫比利埃信托公司曾被发现从联合太平洋铁路的建设中攫取好处。为了掩饰他们的行为,莫比利埃以极低的价格向包括副总统Schuyler Colfax在内的政府官员和国会议员出售他们的股票。而当这一事件被揭露时,包括格兰特在内的许多人都大受影响。

4 . Whiskey Ring


Another scandal that occurred during Grant's presidency was the Whiskey Ring. In 1875, it was revealed that many government employees were pocketing whiskey taxes. Grant called for swift punishment but caused further scandal when he moved to protect his personal secretary who had been implicated in the affair。


James Garfield 詹姆斯·加菲尔德(美国第二十任总统:1881年03月04日-9月19日)

5 . Star Route Scandal


While not implicating the president himself, James Garfield. had to deal with the Star Route Scandal in 1881 during his six months as president before his assassination. This scandal dealt with corruption in the postal service. Private organizations at the time were handling postal routes out west. They would give postal officials alow bid but when the officials would present these bids to Congress they would ask for higher payments. Obviously, they were profiting from this state of affairs. Garfield dealt with this head on even though many members of his own party were benefiting from the corruption。


Grover Cleveland 格罗弗·克利夫兰(美国第22、24任总统:1885—1889,1893—1897)

6 . Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa?


Grover Cleveland had to deal head on witha scandal while he was running for president in 1884. It was revealed that he had previously had an affair with a widow named Maria C. Halpin who had given birth to a son. She claimed that Cleveland was the father and named him OscarFolsom Cleveland. Cleveland agreed to pay child support and then paid to putthe child in an orphanage when she was no longer fit to raise him. When this issue was brought forth in the campaign and even became a chant "Ma, Ma,where's my Pa? Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!," Cleveland was honest about the entire affair. This helped rather than hurt him, and he won the election。

1884年,在克利夫兰为总统竞选奔波时,他却不得不分身处理这件丑闻。据说,克利夫兰曾经和一位叫Maria C. Halpin的寡妇厮混过并有了一个孩子。Maria声称克利夫兰就是孩子的生生父亲,并给孩子取名为奥斯卡·福尔瑟姆·克利夫兰(Oscar Folsom Cleveland)。克利夫兰同意提供孩子的赡养费,并在Maria不再适宜抚养孩子之后,出钱将孩子送到了孤儿院。当克利夫兰竞选时,这件丑闻便被曝光,甚至变成了一首打油诗:“妈妈,我的爸爸在哪里?去白宫问问吧!”然而,克利夫兰对此事件却很坦诚,而他的坦诚也帮助他赢得了选举。

Warren G Harding 沃伦·甘梅利尔·哈定(美国第20任总统:1921--1923)

7 . Teapot Dome


Warren G. Harding's presidency was struckby many scandals. The Teapot Dome scandal was the most significant. In this,Albert Fall, Harding's Secretary of the Interior, sold the right to the oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming andother locations in exchange for personal profit and cattle. He was eventually caught, convicted and sentenced to jail。

哈丁在就任期间也是绯闻缠身,其中蒂波特山丑闻影响最大。哈丁的内政秘书Albert Fall将蒂波特山以及怀俄明州的几个油田钻井权卖给了石油大亨,并以此获利。Fall最终被抓捕归案并身陷囚笼。

Richard Nixon 理查德·尼克松(美国第37任总统:1969-1974)

8 . Watergate


Watergate has become synonymous with presidential scandal. In 1972, five men were caught breaking into the Democratic National Headquarters locatedat the Watergate business complex. As the investigation into this,Richard Nixon and his advisors worked to cover-up the crimes. He would have surely been impeached but resigned instead on August 9, 1974.


Ronald Reagan 罗纳德·威尔逊·里根(美国第40任总统:1981-1989)

9 . Iran-Contra


Several individuals in Ronald Reagan's administration were implicated in the Iran-Contra Scandal. Basically,money that had been obtained through selling arms to Iran was given secretly tothe revolutionary Contras in Nicaragua. Other than helping the Contras, the hope was that by selling the weapons to Iran, terrorists would be more willing to give up hostages. This scandal resulted in major Congressional hearings。


Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿(美国第42届总统:1993-2001)

10 . Monica Lewinsky Affair


Bill Clinton was implicated in a couple of scandals, the most significant for his presidency was the Monica Lewinsky affair. Lewinsky was a White House staffer with whom Clinton had an intimate relationship, or as he laterput it, an "improper physical relationship." He had previously denied this while giving a deposition in another case which resulted in a vote to impeach him by the House of Representatives in 1998. TheSenate did not vote to remove him from office but the event did mar his presidency as he joined Andrew Johnson as only the second president to be impeached。
