英语听力汇总   |   囧爸带孩的22种伤





The average father suffers 22 injuries a year caused by 'rough and tumble' while playing with the kids, it emerged today.


A study of 2,000 parents revealed the wear and tear on Britain's fathers takes its toll from accidental kicks to the face - or worse - to bad backs from being a human climbing frame.


In fact, the average father of school-aged children experiences 22 injuries per year - eight of those while playing with the little ones.


He also bashes his shin three times on something the kids have left lying around the house and steps on a toy or plug four times-a-year on average.


The research found 40 per cent of fathers felt walking across a toy covered floor was the most dangerous aspect of being a parent.


While those with cats or dogs can expect to trip over or have the family pet get under their feet a further four times per year.


Fathers stumble on an item of clothing or other belonging that's been left out four times a year.


The study also found a fifth of fathers have had to take time off work because of an injury picked up after doing everyday activity with the family.


In these instances, the average time father was off work was for 10 days, most likely through injury to the back results showed.


There's no let-up for fathers as just under a third have been head-butted by their young child while a quarter said play-fighting with the kids regularly saw them tweak something.


Other areas of parenting where men have had a brush with injury were when having to play goalie kicking a ball around with the kids or when climbing trees with them.


And a young at heart one in five have picked up an injury doing something which they confessed 'I should know better than to attempt at my age'.


Few fathers have illness cover in place to protect in case they are too ill to work. In fact fathers are much more likely to have insurance to protect their mobile phones, pets, and holiday bookings than to protect themselves.
