英语听力汇总   |   最美新娘:电影中15个最美的婚纱汇总






Who said wedding gowns always need to be white and floor-length? In The Vow, Paige (Rachel McAdams) opts for a strapless, embellished pink dress that falls just above her knees. Fun, flirty and totally suitable for a nontraditional wedding!

谁说结婚一定要穿白色及地婚纱?电影《誓约》中,Paige(Rachel McAdams饰演)选择了一条粉色及膝抹胸礼服。活泼又风情,不失为非传统婚礼的最佳选择!


With a daughter that gorgeous, it's no wonder George Banks (Steve Martin) was reluctant to marry her off. This lace-detailed gown might have a lot going on, but a big occasion calls for a big dress. (And though they're not visible here, we could never forget the beaded white sneakers she wore underneath!)

George Banks(Steve Martin饰演)的女儿如此迷人,怪不得他都不舍得嫁女儿了。这套蕾丝装点的礼服也许有点过于繁复,不过在这种场合下,还是非常得当的。(虽然图片中看不出,但是我们不会忘记礼服下穿着一双饰以串珠的白色运动鞋!)


Maria (Julie Andrews) is a fun-loving governess throughout much of The Sound of Music, but her wedding dress is all business. Featuring a high collar, long sleeves and little detail, it's clear that Maria picked a serious dress to match her serious man, Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer)。

在《音乐之声》中,Maria(Julie Andrews饰演)饰演的家庭女教师大多时候都非常爱搞怪,但她的婚纱可是很中规中矩的——高领长袖搭配少许装饰,显然Maria穿了一条非常端庄的礼服,嫁了一个严肃的男人Captain Von Trapp(Christopher Plummer饰演)。


Ian Miller (John Corbett) said it best to new wife Toula (Nia Vardalos): “You're like a big frosted cupcake!” But Toula managed to pull off her puffy, detailed wedding gown — right down to the lacy gloves! — all while retaining her laid-back charm。

Ian Miller(John Corbett饰演)说这套婚纱最适合他的新婚妻子Toula(Nia Vardalos饰演):“你看起来就像一个大号冰霜纸杯蛋糕!”但是,Toula试图拉下庞大而繁复的礼服——就在蕾丝手套下方!你就会发现她天然的魅力所在。


The plot of Four Weddings and a Funeral gets a bit complicated, but our thoughts on Carrie's (Andie MacDowell) dress are simple: We love it! The lace details and scalloped neckline are graceful touches, and Carrie's pearl jewelry finishes the look nicely。

《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》的剧情略复杂,不过我们对Carrie(Andie MacDowell饰演)的婚纱的看法还是很简单的:我们就喜欢这样的!蕾丝装点扇贝型领口倍显优雅,搭配珍珠首饰,显得Carrie美丽动人。


The flowers, the jewels, the golden curls, the tan — everything about Sophie's (Amanda Seyfried) bridal look represents the tropical island where her wedding (nearly!) takes place. And though her bridesmaids and her mother (Meryl Streep) look lovely, the bride definitely steals the show。

看看Sophie(Amanda Seyfried饰演)的新娘装扮:鲜花拥簇、珠光宝气、金发卷曲、肌肤黑亮,可见婚礼(将至!)是在热带岛屿上举办。虽然伴娘和她的母亲(Meryl Streep饰演)打扮靓丽,但新娘绝对艳压全场。


Twi-hards everywhere waited ages for the wedding of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), and the wedding dress didn't disappoint! Chic and simple with a beautiful lace back, we can't think of a more elegant choice for such a highly anticipated occasion。

暮光粉盼星星盼月亮,终于盼到Bella Swan(Kristen Stewart饰演)和Edward Cullen(Robert Pattinson饰演)的婚礼,而Bella的婚纱也没有让人失望:时尚简约的设计,背后的蕾丝别出心裁。对于这场万众期待的婚礼,如此讲究的婚纱再适合不过。


When we think of Steel Magnolias, it's hard not to think “tearjerker。” But we also remember Shelby's (Julia Roberts) off-the-shoulder wedding gown that was as classy as the woman wearing it, complete with an elbow-length veil。

说到电影《钢木兰花》,肯定会让人想到催人泪下的情节。但是我们也记得Shelby(Julia Roberts饰演)所穿的与其气质一样高贵的露肩礼服,搭配齐肘头纱也堪称完美。


A classic love story doesn't always require a couture wedding gown! Playing Juliet Capulet, Claire Danes put a modern twist on the iconic character, wearing a sleek sleeveless frock for their secret nuptials. Sure, it's not the most extravagant choice, but Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio) still couldn't take his eyes off her。

经典爱情故事不一定需要华服!Claire Danes将经典与现代结合,重新演绎了朱丽叶一角。片中,她穿着一条时髦的无袖连衣裙与挚爱秘密结婚。当然,这并不是最奢华的礼服,但Romeo(Leonardo DiCaprio饰演)仍被她深深吸引。


It was no surprise that Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Samantha (Kim Cattrall) looked as fabulous as ever at their friend Carrie Bradshaw's (Sarah Jessica Parker) almost-wedding. But no one could surpass Carrie herself, who stole the show in a gorgeous Vivenne Westwood gown and feathered veil. The price tag on this stunning dress? Nearly $10,000!

毫无疑问,Miranda(Cynthia Nixon饰演)、Charlotte(Kristin Davis饰演)和Samantha(Kim Cattrall饰演)在好友Carrie Bradshaw(Sarah Jessica Parker饰演)即将举办的婚礼上仍然会一如既往地魅力十足。但婚礼主角Carrie的风采无人可及,她穿着华丽的Vivenne Westwood婚纱和薄薄的头纱,抢尽风头。这套精妙绝伦的婚纱价值几何?近10,000美元!


It's only appropriate to feature a show-stopping bridal gown in one of cinema's classic family gatherings. We've always admired Connie Corleone's (Talia Shire) gorgeous gown, which was as sophisticated as her family was powerful。

电影中,在经典家族聚会时才适合穿着这么一套引人注目的婚纱。我们曾经一直很羡慕Connie Corleone(Talia Shire饰演)的华丽礼服,一如她强势而复杂的家族。


With its feathered neckline and sheer silhouette, Juliet's (Keira Knightley) wedding dress was sweet and youthful — just like her. We couldn't imagine a wardrobe selection better suited for her unforgettable wedding, which included a surprise choir performance of “All You Need Is Love。” So sweet!

Juliet(Keira Knightley饰演)的婚纱领口饰以羽毛,剪裁贴身,足以展现妙曼身姿,就和她本人一样甜美活泼。对这场令人难以忘怀的婚礼(还有惊喜的合唱表演《真爱至上》)而言,这件礼服是最佳选择。太甜美了!


Our hearts ached for Julianne Potter (Julia Roberts) in My Best Friend's Wedding, but we still couldn't take our eyes off the blushing bride (Cameron Diaz) on her big day. In a dramatic strapless dress with a full skirt and a classic updo, Kimberly Wallace was the center of attention for good reason。

虽然我们为《我最好朋友的婚礼》中的Julianne Potter(Julia Roberts饰演)感到心痛,但仍无法忽视婚礼上的娇羞新娘(Cameron Diaz饰演)。Kimberly Wallace穿着显眼的抹胸花冠裙,搭配经典发髻,俨然就是全场瞩目的焦点。


She may have had nightmares about her impending marriage to Prince Humperdinck, but Buttercup (Robin Wright) looked like a dream in her long-sleeved gown and ornate crown. The majestic dress was an iconic piece of The Princess Bride, even if Buttercup and Humperdinck weren't in twue wove… um, true love。

Buttercup(Robin Wright饰演)将要嫁给Humperdinck王子,虽然对她来说这是一场噩梦般的婚礼,但她身着长袖礼服、头戴华丽皇冠的样子,梦幻异常。虽然 Buttercup和Humperdinck并非真爱,但这套高贵婚纱在《公主新娘》中堪称经典。


Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) may have been at odds throughout much of Bride Wars, but they had one thing in common: their beautiful wedding dresses! Between Liv's voluminous tulle gown and Emma's cream-colored, one-shoulder selection, we got the best of both fashion worlds in this lighthearted chick flick。

《结婚大作战》中,Liv(Kate Hudson饰演)和Emma(Anne Hathaway饰演)大多时候都显得格格不入,但有一点她们有共同语言:漂亮的婚纱!Liv穿了一条蓬蓬纱礼服,而Emma选择了一款奶油色单肩礼服,在这部轻松愉快的文艺爱情片中,我们领略到这两种时尚之美。