英语听力汇总   |   最新世界大学排名 前十被英美瓜分





The UK now boasts six of the world's top 20 universities, according to a new global table.

  Edinburgh and King's College London have edged into the top 20 of the QS World University rankings.

  Cambridge, UCL, Imperial and Oxford all made it into the top 10.

  But John O'Leary, of QS, warned that unless the UK puts more funding into higher education its leading position could slip.

  Edinburgh rose to 17th place from 21st last year and King's College London to 19th from 26th in 2012.

  The top UK university Cambridge was in third position, behind Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the top of the table and Harvard in second.

  University College London (UCL) and Imperial occupied fourth and fifth places, with Oxford in sixth.

  Universities in the United States made up the rest of the top 10.

  There were eight UK universities in the top 50 and 18 in the top 100, with graduates from Oxford and Cambridge rated as the world's most employable by 27,000 global graduate employers polled for the ranking.

  "Clearly the prestige of a UK degree is recognized by employers around the world, and the brand-name value of Oxbridge has so far survived any negative publicity following the tuition fee hikes and student protests," said Ben Sowter, head of research at QS.

  However the rankings also suggest that UK universities struggle to keep up with the US when it comes to cutting-edge research.

  Of UK universities, only Cambridge made the top 30 for research citations, with UCL, Oxford and Imperial in the top 50.

  "The UK invests below the OECD average in higher education, so it is unrealistic to expect its universities to continue to punch above their weight indefinitely," said John O'Leary, of the QS global academic advisory board.

  "The current success of leading institutions shows how vital it is that the government matches the investments being made by other countries in order to maintain their world-class status."

  Universities minister David Willetts said the rankings were "fantastic news for the universities, their academics, and their students, who are some of the most employable in the world - however we are not complacent, and know we must work hard to remain the best".

  He added: "Our reforms to undergraduate finance have put universities on a sustainable financial footing and sharpened incentives to deliver a world-class student experience.

  "We have protected research funding, encouraging universities to invest in cutting-edge research and we are helping our universities make the most of the growing opportunities globally through our international education strategy."

    在最新出炉的QS世界大学排名中,英国有6所大学进了前20名,其中,剑桥大学(第三)、伦敦大学学院(第四)、帝国理工学院(第五)以及牛津大学(第 六)跻身前十名。美国的大学仍然在前20名中占多数位置,其中,麻省理工学院和哈佛大学占据了前两位。同时,此次排名针对2.7万全球毕业生雇主的调查也 显示,牛津和剑桥的毕业生是全球最值得雇佣的毕业生。QS调查研究负责人表示,这说明全球雇主都认可英国的学位,牛津剑桥的品牌价值也没有因为最近的学费 上涨和学生抗议等负面消息而受到影响。不过,此次排名同时也说明英国大学在前沿研究方面逊色于美国大学,英国大学中只有剑桥大学进入了研究引用量前30 名。

  Top 10 universities in the rankings:

  1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院 美国

  2 University of Cambridge 剑桥大学 英国

  3 Harvard University 哈佛大学 美国

  4 University College London 伦敦大学学院 英国

  5 University of Oxford 牛津大学 英国

  6 Imperial College London 帝国理工 英国

  7 Yale University 耶鲁大学 美国

  8 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 美国

  9 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 美国

  10 California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院 美国