英语听力汇总   |   害羞的小孩需要矫正吗





To Help a Shy Child, Listen


Toward the end of the summer, I was seeing a middle-school girl for a physical. The notes from a clinic visit last spring said she was a good student but didn’t talk enough in class. So I asked her: Is this still a problem for you?


I’m shy, she said. I’m just shy.


Should I have turned to her mother and suggested — a counselor? An academic evaluation? Should I have probed further? How do you feel in school, do you have some friends, is anybody bullying you?


Or should I have said: Lots of people are shy. It’s one of the healthy, normal styles of being human.


All of these responses, together, would have been correct. A child who is being bullied or bothered may be anxious about drawing attention to herself; a child who doesn’t ever talk in class may be holding back because some learning problem is getting in the way, making her self-conscious. So you do need to listen — especially to a child who talks less rather than more — and find ways to ask questions. Are you happy, anxious, afraid?


But shyness is also part of the great and glorious range of the human normal. Two years ago, Kathleen Merikangas, a senior investigator at the National Institute of Mental Health, and her colleagues published a study of 10,000 older children, ranging from 13 to 18 years old. “We found that about half of kids in America describe themselves as shy,” she told me.

可是,羞涩同时也是人类常态中伟大而又辉煌的一部分。两年前,美国心理健康研究中心(National Institute of Mental Health)的资深研究员凯瑟琳·梅利康加斯(Kathleen Merikangas)和同事们发表了一份涉及1万名年龄在13-18岁青少年的研究报告。“我们发现,约半数美国孩子表示自己生性羞涩,”她告诉我。

Common though it may be, our schools — and our broader culture — do not always celebrate the reserved and retiring. “Children who are shy, who don’t raise their hand, who don’t talk in class, are really penalized in this society,” Dr. Merikangas said.


I have heard it said that temperament was invented by the first parent to have a second child — that’s when parents realize that children come wired with many of the determinants of disposition and personality. What worked with Baby 1 doesn’t necessarily work with Baby 2. The analysis of temperament has been a topic of discussion in pediatrics and psychology for decades.


“Temperament is the largely inborn set of behaviors that are the style with which a person functions, not to be confused with their motivation or their developmental status and abilities,” said Dr. William B. Carey, a clinical professor of pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the author of “Understanding Your Child’s Temperament.”

“气质主要是与生俱来的那一套行为,它是一个人行事的风格,别把这个跟人们的动机或他们的发育状态和能力混为一谈了,”费城儿童医院儿科临床教授威廉·B·凯里(William B. Carey)这样说道,他著有《理解子女气质》(Understanding Your Child’s Temperament)一书。

Shyness reflects a child’s place on the temperamental continuum, the part of it that involves dealing with new and unfamiliar circumstances. And starting a new school year may be hard on those who find new situations more difficult and more full of anxiety. What most children need is time to settle in, support from parents and teachers, and sometimes help making connections and participating in class.

羞涩折射出一个孩子在气质连续体(temperamental continuum)中的位置,它的部分作用在于应对全新和陌生的环境。开始一个新学年,对于那些身处新环境会感觉更艰难、更焦虑的孩子来说是件难事。大部分孩子在适应的过程中需要的是时间以及父母和老师的支持,有时也需要旁人帮助才能在班上交到朋友、成为其中的一份子。

If a child is not more comfortable after a month or so, parents should look at whether more help is needed, said Anne Marie Albano, director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders. Treatment usually involves cognitive behavioral strategies to help the child cope with anxiety.

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)焦虑和相关失调症诊所主任安妮·玛丽·阿尔巴诺(Anne Marie Albano)说,如果过了一个来月,这个孩子仍然没有感觉更加自如,家长应当了解是否孩子还需要更多帮助。治疗通常包含了各种认知行为手段,以帮助孩子面对焦虑。

All ranges of temperament have their uncomfortable, or even pathological, outer zones. Just as there are children whose rambunctious eagerness to participate makes trouble for them in school or signals the presence of other problems, there are children whose silence is a shout for help.


I’m struck by the parallels between the ways we discuss shyness and the ways we discuss impulsivity and hyperactivity. In both cases, there is concern about the risk of “pathologizing” children who are well within the range of normal and worry that we are too likely to medicate outliers. By this thinking, children who would once have been considered shy and quiet too often get antidepressants, just as children who would once have been considered lively and rambunctious too often get A.D.H.D. medications.


But the most important question is whether children are in distress. Dr. Merikangas’s study distinguished between the common trait of shyness and the psychiatric diagnosis of social phobia. Over all, about 5 percent of the adolescents in the study were severely restricted by social anxiety; they included some who described themselves as shy and some who did not. The authors questioned whether the debate about the “medicalization” of shyness might be obscuring the detection of the distinct signs of social phobia.


For parents who simply want to help a shy child cope with, for example, a brand new classroom full of brand new people, consider rehearsing, scripting encounters and interactions. “The best thing they can do is do a role play and behavioral rehearsal ahead of time,” said Steven Kurtz, a senior clinician at the Child Mind Institute in Manhattan. Parents should “plan on rewarding the bravery.”

对于那些只是想要帮助害羞的子女面对特殊环境,比如说全是陌生同学的陌生课堂时,可以考虑排演,设计见面与互动的情节。“家长最好是能提前进行一次角色扮演,进行行为预演,”曼哈顿的儿童心理研究所(Child Mind Institute)资深临床医生斯蒂文·库尔茨(Steven Kurtz)说。家长还应当“计划对孩子的勇敢举动作出奖励”。

But don’t take over. “The danger point is rescuing too soon, too often, too much, so the kids don’t develop coping mechanisms,” said Dr. Kurtz.


Cognitive behavioral therapy relies on “successive approximations,” in which children slowly close in on the behaviors they are hoping to achieve. In that spirit, a parent might arrange to meet another parent on the way to school, so a shy child can walk with another and bond. A teacher might look for the right partner to pair up with a shy child for cooperative activities in the classroom.


“Probably the worst thing to do is to say, ‘Don’t be shy. Don’t be quiet,’ ” Dr. Merikangas told me. This is not about trying to change the child’s temperament. It’s about respecting and honoring temperament and variation, and helping children navigate the world with their own instruments.
