clock ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It helps to regulate your various body functions including your sleeping time。是否存在一个最佳的睡眠时间?有一种说法是早睡早起有益健康。这有几分可信?晚睡晚起呢?实际上,你体内有一个非常精确的生物钟在滴答作响。它帮你调节身体各个功能,包括睡眠时间。
From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is an important time when your body undergoes detoxification process. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day. However if you don’t sleep at this time, your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly。晚上11点到凌晨3点这段时间,肝脏集中了大部分的血液循环。肝脏里血液变多、体积变大。身体排毒的这个过程是非常关键的。体内全天累积的毒素会被肝脏中和、分解,但如果你在这段时间没睡,肝脏就无法顺利排毒。
If you sleep at 11pm, you have full 4 hours to detoxify your body. If you sleep at 12am, you have 3 hours. If you sleep at 1am, you have 2 hours. And if you sleep at 2am, you only have 1 hour to detoxify. What if you sleep after 3am? Unfortunately, you won’t have any time to actually detoxify your body. If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time. You know what happens next。如果你晚上11点睡觉,你有整整4个小时给身体排毒。午夜12点睡觉,有3个小时。凌晨1点睡觉,2个小时。如果你在凌晨2点睡觉,就只有1小时排毒时间。如果你凌晨3点后睡觉会怎样呢?很遗憾地告诉你,你完全失去了真正能让身体排毒的时间。如果你继续这种睡眠模式,日积月累下去,这些毒素会在你的身体里不断累积。你也懂得之后会发生什么吧。
What if you sleep late and wake up late? Did you realize you feel very tired the next day no matter how much you sleep?那如果晚睡晚起呢?你有没有意识到,不管你第二天睡多久都会觉得很累呢?
Sleeping late and waking up late is indeed very bad for your health. Besides not having enough time to detoxify your body, you will miss out other important body functions too。晚睡晚起对你的健康确实很不好。你不仅没有足够的时间给身体排毒,还会错过其他体内重要机能活动。
From 3am to 5am, most blood circulation concentrates in your lung. What should you do at this moment? Well, you should exercise and breathe in fresh air. Take in good energy into your body, preferably in a garden. At this time, the air is very fresh with lots of beneficial negative ions。凌晨3点至5点,你的肺集中了大部分的血液循环。在这一段时间,你应该做些什么呢?锻炼身体,呼吸新鲜的空气。给你的身体增添有益的能量,如果能在花园里更好。空气在这段时间当中富含有益的负离子,因此非常新鲜。
From 5am to 7am, most blood circulation concentrates in your large intestine. What should you do at this moment? You should poop! Pass out all unwanted poop from your large intestine. Prepare your body to absorb more nutrients throughout the day。早晨5点到7点,你的大肠集中了大部分的血液循环。这段时间,你应该干什么呢?应该解大便!把所有无用的大便从你的大肠排泄出来。为你的身体全天吸收更多的营养做好准备。
From 7am to 9am, most blood circulation concentrates in your stomach. What should you do at this moment? Have your breakfast! This is your most important meal in a day. Make sure you have all the required nutrients from your breakfast. Not having breakfast causes lotsssssss of health problems for you in the future。早晨7点至9点,你的胃集中了大部分血液循环。这段时间,你应该干吗呢?应该吃早餐!这是你一天里最重要的一顿饭。你必须确定在早餐里摄取了所有必须的营养物质。不吃早餐会在以后引起非常非常多的健康问题。
There you are… the most ideal way to start your day. After fully detoxifying your blood during your sleep, you wake up fresh to inhale beneficial energy. Then you pass out unwanted poop from your large intestine. After that, you take in balanced nutrients to prepare your body for a new day。你的一天就是这样开始的,这是最理想的方式。在你睡觉、完全给血液排毒之后,你醒来,焕然一新,吸入有益的空气,然后你排出大肠里无用的粪便。之后,你摄入均衡的营养,让你的身体准备迎接新的一天。
Following your natural timetable 顺应你自然时间表
Once I know the importance of our biological clock, I try my best to follow it. If I wake up early, I usually start my day on the computer. But when I see the clock shows 7am, I know it’s the best time for breakfast. So I’ll try to have my breakfast before 9am for best absorption。了解到生物钟的重要性之后,我就开始尽量遵循生物钟生活。如果早起的话,我的一天常以浏览电脑开始。但当我看到钟表指向7点的时候,我就知道这应该是吃早饭的最佳时候了。所以我会尽量在9点之前吃早餐,以达到最好的吸收效果。
What if you're offered a night shift job? I recommend you to reject it even the salary is higher. For long term, you may need to spend more money for your health problems。如果找到了一个需要上夜班的工作怎么办呢?我建议你推掉这份工作,哪怕薪水会高一些。因为长远地看,你也许会为健康问题花更多的钱。
What if you have assignment to do until late at night? Well, why not sleep early and wake up earlier to do it? Just shift your work time from late night to early morning. You get the same time. But your body will appreciate it. 如果你深夜还有事情要做,怎么办呢?不如早些睡,早些起来做事。只需把你的工作时间从深夜调到清晨,拥有的时间长短不会变,你的身体还不会受损。
With this, try to follow this timing as close as possible. Make it your daily routine. I’m sure you will feel fresher and more energetic all day long。了解了这些知识之后,请尽可能去遵循这个时间表,让它成为你的日常习惯。我敢肯定,你会整天都感觉更加神清气爽、活力四射。