At a company event in Hangzhou city, 48-year-old Ma handed over the reins of the company to Lu Zhaoxi -- previously executive vice president -- reaffirming his decision announced four months ago to step down as chief executive officer。在杭州举办的“淘宝十周年”晚会上,现年48岁的马云正式将阿里巴巴的大权移交给原执行副总裁陆兆禧,正式实践了他在四个月前做出的卸任CEO的决定。
"From tomorrow I will have a new life and life will be my job. I sincerely ask everyone to support Lu Zhaoxi like you have supported me and trust Lu like you have trusted me," Ma told 30,000 employees and clients at the event。在晚会上马云对现场3万名阿里巴巴公司职员及客户表示:“明天开始,我将有我自己新的生活,生活将是我的工作,我也恳请所有的人像支持我一样,支持新的团队,支持陆兆禧,像信任我一样信任新团队、信任陆兆禧。”
Lu said he would carry on the mission of Alibaba by making the company transparent and responsible。陆兆禧表示他将肩负阿里巴巴的使命,传承公司透明、负责的价值观。
Ma will still provide strategic direction but he told the audience that he aimed to focus on education and environmental protection。卸任后,马云将主要负责阿里董事局的战略决策,不过他对现场观众表示他将会关注在教育和环境保护问题上。
Alibaba operates China's most popular e-shopping platform, Taobao, which has more than 90 per cent of the online market for consumer-to-consumer transactions. Taobao has more than 800 million product listings and over 500 million users。阿里巴巴运营着中国最受欢迎的网络购物平台淘宝,占到了中国C2C在线交易市场上超过90%的份额。淘宝拥有超过8亿的商品和超过5亿的用户。
Alibaba aims to expand beyond its home market by targeting overseas Chinese through Taobao, an executive told a news conference Friday at the company's headquarters in Hangzhou。本周五在阿里巴巴位于杭州的总部,一位管理人员在新闻发布会上表示,阿里巴巴希望能通过淘宝拓展海外业务,主要针对海外华人。
"We hope to provide services to markets of overseas Chinese consumers first so we can have the experience and ability to further promote Taobao in other markets of non-Chinese consumers," said Daphne Lee, director of overseas business for Taobao。淘宝网海外业务总监李芃君表示:“我们希望先能为海外华人消费者市场提供服务,这样积累了经验和能力,我们也能进一步地将淘宝拓展到非华人的消费者市场中。”
Such a move could potentially make Taobao, which also marks its 10th anniversary Friday, a threat to US giants eBay and Amazon. 本周五正是淘宝迎来十周年,相信这样的海外业务拓展举动,也会让淘宝成为美国零售业巨头易趣和亚马逊的潜在威胁。