Lions are known as some of the most ferocious animals on the planet, so a tender moment between a father and his cub captured on camera in the wilds of Africa is generating a lot of buzz.
"The lion photos have hit it quite big because it's the cub meeting his dad for the first time ever," said the wildlife photographer who captured the meeting, Suzi Eszterhas. "It's a major part of a lion's life growing up."
“这张照片之所以会引起如此大的关注是因为这是小狮子有生以来第一次见到狮子爸爸,而这也是狮子成长过程中最重要的一部分。”拍到这张照片的野生动物摄影师Suzi Eszterhas说。
This particular cub met his dad for the first time after seven weeks with his mom.
"When lion cubs are babies, the mom keeps them in a den for the first six to eight weeks of life, and it's during this time that she keeps them very hidden," Eszterhas told "After, she will bring them out and introduce them to the pride. It's at that point they meet dad for the first time."
“当幼狮还未成年时,雌狮通常将它们安置在兽穴中并让它们在那里度过一生中的最初的6到8个星期,期间雌狮会将它们藏匿地十分隐蔽,之后,雌狮会将带小狮子出去并将它们介绍给骄傲的狮子爸爸。这就是它们第一次与狮子爸爸相见的时刻。” Suzi Eszterhas告诉Goodmorningamerica.com的记者。
Eszterhas was able to capture such a rare moment by embedding herself with the pride of lions on the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya for three months while she was living in Africa for three years. This particular series of photos was captured in 2008 or 2009, she said.
"That was literally the moment the cub first saw his dad ever," Eszterhas said. "He kind of walked up shyly and then the dad immediately tried to play with him and the mom is watching the whole time to make sure the dad behaves. The whole moment is really special."
Eszterhas 说“那是父子第一次相见,小狮子很害羞地走上前,然后狮子爸爸马上试图和小狮子一起玩耍,整个过程,狮子妈妈都在旁边注视着,她这样做是为了确保这位狮子爸爸在此期间表现良好。整个过程真的是非常非常珍贵。”
The California-based photographer spends nine months of the year in the field, documenting wildlife around the world.
"I spent a lot of hours just sitting with these animals watching them from sunrise to sunset," said Eszterhas, who traveled alone around the reserve in a Jeep taking photos. "Very quickly you just become a part of the landscape and they don't notice you at all. You're always safe but you're quite close to them and they get quite used to you."
The lion photographs have been published in "Lion," the latest edition of her six-title series of children's books, titled " Eye on the Wild," which documents an animal's life from infancy to adulthood in photographs.
Other editions have focused on bears, gorillas and cheetahs.