英语听力汇总   |   [双语]奥巴马还有生子计划吗






There’s not been a baby born to a serving president in nearly 50 years — will President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle buck the trend?


The question has been on everyone’s lips since Barack Obama was sworn in in 2008, and the president finally revealed his baby plans in a Father’s Day-themed interview on Good Morning America!


And the answer is “no!” He may be commander-in-chief, but Michelle Obama, 47, rules the roost when it comes to their kids…and the First Lady is adamant: “we’re done。”

而这个问题的答案就是“没有!” 在政务上奥巴马也许是国家首脑,但是在生孩子这个问题上还是由47岁的妻子米歇尔·奥巴马说了算.。。第一夫人的回答就是:“不生了。”

When asked about the prospect of a White House baby, the 49-year-old President replied, “ It’s Michelle’s decision, but her general view is that we’re done”。


We’re sure you could convince her if you REALLY wanted another baby, Mr. President! But you’d better hurry up — there’s an election next year!
