1 Mary Had a Little Lamp
Lonely in bed at night while you read? Mary Had a Little Lamp is there to help you and keep your bed warm.
一个人在床上看书会不会觉得有点孤单?这款名为“Mary Had a Little Lamp(玛丽有个小台灯)”的床头灯将会带给你温暖。
2 Sneaker Lamp
Creative lamp designed by Clara Sjodin that looks like a sneaker. The cloth shoe laces are not only accurately scaled, they are the actual power cords for the bulbs found in each sneaker. Would you put a pair up in your house?
这款酷似运动鞋的创意台灯是由Clara Sjodin设计。鞋子上的鞋带也是另有玄机,事实上它们是开关,用来控制内置于每支鞋内的灯泡明灭。看到这款台灯后的你有没有想买一对回家呢?
3 Fire Lamp
Fire inspired lamp designed by Santiago Sevillano. The table lamps are wireless and use a base charge.
这款受到火焰启发而来的台灯由Santiago Sevillano设计而成。这款无线台灯配备了一个可充电的基座。
4 Book Rest Lamp
Whilst you`re all tucked up in bed reading your favorite fairy-tale or horror story you can read to the glow of this uncomplicated lamp. Made of frosted glass it gives off a soft light, ideal to read to but also doubles as a book rest ensuring you never lose your page.
5 Moon Rock Lamp
Each lamp is handcrafted in Ravenna, Italy, of fiberglass and then coated with a layer of natural Italian stones. These lamps give any space a natural warm atmosphere. Can be used as ambient lighting on the floor or table top.
6 Ostrich Lamp
This lamp was designed by Halde Martin, it is such a simple idea, applying feathers to light and it looks angelic.
这款台灯是由Halde Martin设计的,设计理念相当简单,用羽毛来做装饰让灯看起来宛如天使般美丽。