According to the Daily Mail on January 12, it does take an average of 18 months for a new mother to "feel like a woman again", suggests a poll of thousands of British women.
During that one and a half year period, however, sleepless nights, loss of independence and weight worries all contribute to a crisis of confidence. More than two thirds of those questioned admitted to feeling "saggy", "fat" and "unattractive" in the months after giving birth.
Six out of ten claimed their confidence took a real knock when they realized their old clothes did not fit. And a quarter of the 3,000 women said they felt they were competing with other mothers - including celebrities - to lose weight quickly after birth.
Around a third blamed breastfeeding for limiting what they could wear and 39 percent felt unattractive in every outfit they put on.
Others struggled to adjust to the loss of "me time", with 63 percent saying they let themselves go by failing to take care of their hair, make-up or clothes.
育儿咨询网站“网上妈妈”网的赛欧博汉姆 弗里加德说,18个月可能只是平均数,许多妇女需要更长的恢复时间。
Siobhan Freegard, of the Netmums parenting advice website, said that while 18 months might be the average figure, many women will take longer.
The change in priorities also meant that nine in ten new mothers polled said work no longer seemed as important after they gave birth, and 79 percent did not want to leave their baby to go back. Many also feared they would no longer excel in their job.