Looking at a man’s fingers instead of his wallet can let you know whether he is rich, a new study suggests.
The longer the ring finger compared to the rest of his hand – particularly the index finger – then the more chance he is the kind of go-getter who makes big money.
It also shows the greater the chance that he is the kind of "work hard, play hard" man who doesn't take no for an answer – whether it is sealing a financial deal or trying to win
a girl's heart.
Researchers at Canada's Concordia University found testosterone levels affect the ratio in finger lengths in both men and women – yet it is only men whose personality traits
are also directly linked to these levels.
The alpha males, whose ring fingers were longer than their index finger, were greater risk takers in all areas of their lives. They are often the kind of men women go for, said
researcher Eric Stenstrom, because they are seen as fit, rich and assertive he added.
研究人员Eric Stenstrom认为,精英男性的无名指一般比食指长,在生活中极具冒险精神。他们看起来健康、富有和自信,是女性追捧青睐的对象。
He said: "Our findings show an association between high testosterone and risk-taking among males in three domains: recreational, social and financial. Since women tend to
be attracted to men who are fit, assertive and rich, men are apt to take risks with sports, people and money to be attractive to potential mates.”
Women, however, show no difference in behavior no matter what kind of finger lengths they have, said the study.