An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong.
One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the 'four columns' card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines). Even more of a coincidence, it was Nov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day.
在德国,老外通常是结伴在酒吧,喝着黑啤,聊天一起度过光棍节的~Bachelors' Festival 是光棍节happy Bachelor's day光棍节快乐!
She remained single all the life. 她一直单身。
He's a confirmed bachelor. 他打定主意一辈子独身。
那么,你知道“剩女”怎么说吗?是3S lady (single, seventies, stuck),即Single(单身), Stuck(被卡住的), Seventies(大多是出生于20世纪70年代) 。
所以,“光棍节”的英文就是“Singles' Day”或者“Bachelors' Day”了。