A zap of electricity to the brain can make you a bright spark at maths. But shock the wrong spot and you could be as bad with numbers as a six-year-old, according to a new study.
In a bizarre experiment, Oxford University and University College London students agreed to have an electrical current passed through their brain while they did numerical tests. The aim was to find out if it was possible to shock the mind into becoming better at maths.
Passing the current one way through the brain made the students better with figures - and the effect lasted for up to six months. But, worryingly, running the electricity the other way made them dramatically worse.
Experts said that the ability to "turn up" and "turn down" parts of the brain at will open the door to treating a range of problems, from dyscalculia to stroke-related visual damage. But they cautioned that it is not entirely clear how the current affects the brain. And they questioned whether those given the “reverse” current were 'still abnormal' months later.