英语听力汇总   |   Oliver、Olivia成英国最受欢迎宝宝名





  After a 14-year reign, Jack has lost its stranglehold on the title of England and Wales' top name for newborn boys, replaced by Oliver.


  Olivia was the most popular name for newborn girls for the second year in a row, according to figures published by the Office of National Statistics for first names given to babies born in 2009.


  Jack remained a popular name for boys, ranking second, while Harry came in third.


  Ruby and Chloe were the second and third most popular names chosen for girls.



  There were no new entries in the top ten for either boys' or girls' names compared with 2008, although there were regional variations with popularity of names.


  Oliver was the most popular name for boys in six English regions, for example, but Jack was still the top name in Wales, and in the north east and north west of England.


  Mohammed ranked 16th nationally for boys, but was the most popular name in the West Midlands.


  Compared to names chosen for babies 10 years earlier, there was a resurgencein the popularity of names which were once associated with people of the inter-war generation.



  Evie was the tenth most popular name given to baby girls in 2009, for example, moving up 157 places since 1999.


  Ruby, the second most popular name for girls in 2009, was ranked 91 places lower 10 years ago. Boys names such as Alfie and Charlie have followed a similar trend.


  Six names in the boys top ten in 2009 were also there in 1999 - Jack, Joshua, Thomas, James, Daniel and William.

  2009年最受欢迎男孩名榜单前十位中有6个名字也曾在1999年上榜,分别为Jack, Joshua, Thomas, James, Daniel和William。


  Five girls' names featured in both lists - Olivia, Chloe, Emily, Sophie and Jessica.



  同时上榜的5个女孩名分别为Olivia, Chloe, Emily, Sophie和Jessica。

  There were 706,248 live births in England and Wales in 2009.
