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  A seaside city in Italy is set to put wearing mini-skirts and other revealing clothing on a blacklist of anti-social behaviors in a bid to help "restore urban decorum and facilitate better civil co-existence".


  Castellammare di Stabia is trying to be the latest location in Italy to make use of new powers to crack down on a host of actions including street drinking, playing football in public places and blasphemy. "Nothing too revealing" is the new policy Mayor Luigi Bobbio wants to enforce with offenders facing fines of between 32 dollars to 710 dollars
According to the BBC, the new directive would effectively outlaw everything from mini-skirts to low-cut jeans when people walk around the city. Bobbio says he wants to target people who are “rowdy, unruly or simply badly behaved”.





  The proposals could be approved at a council meeting Tuesday. "I think it's the right decision," a local parish priest said. "It's also a way of combating the rise in sexual harassment."




  Castellammare di Stabia is the latest city to make use of the extra powers handed down by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government to mayors, in the effort to fight crime and confront anti social behavior. In other places they have banned sandcastles, kissing in cars, feeding stray cats, wooden clogs and the use of lawn mowers at weekends.
