英语听力汇总   |   调查显示:女性更容易说"对不起"






  Women apologize more often than men do, a new study showed.


  But it's not that men are reluctant to admit wrongdoings, the study showed. It's just that they have a higher threshold for what they think warrants reparation. When the researchers looked at the number of apologies relative to the number of offenses the participants perceived they had committed, the researchers saw no differences between the genders.



  Study researcher Karina Schumann and her colleagues conducted two studies to see if genders do indeed differ in how often they apologize, and if so, why this might be.


  In one, 33 university students aged 18 to 44 kept an online dairy for 12 days documenting whether they apologized or did something they thought required an apology, even if they didn't actually say they were sorry. They also kept track of how often they felt someone had committed an offensive act against them that warranted an apology.
