资料图 足不出户就赚到了六位数的高薪
Some of YouTube’s biggest stars are now so popular they are bringing in six-figure salaries from their own bedroom.
资料图 排名第三和第四的网络赚钱达人
New research by analytics firm TubeMogul has revealed the top ten earners on YouTube.
[page]3[/page]资料图 排名第五和第六的网络赚钱达人
The firm claims that at least 10 performers, writers and producers earned more than $100,000 (£65,000) over the last year in advertising revenue brought in from the millions of visits to their short video blogs – or vlogs, as they are known.
[page]4[/page]资料图 排行第一 一年净赚31.5万美元
Number one in the chart is 22-year-old Californian Shane Dawson who uploads short sketches of often bad taste satire and who has made an estimated £200,000 in the past 12 months.
More than 430 million people viewed the committed Christian’s self-filmed sketches in the past year.