资料图 人们应该提前8周订机票
It's the age-old dilemma faced by all holidaymakers: should you book your airline ticket early before the price soars or wait until the last minute when you might be able to find a bargain?
Two economists have come up with the answer that airline tickets should be booked eight weeks in advance and people should book them in the afternoon to get the best deal.
资料图 人们应该提前8周订机票
Makoto Watanabe and Marc Moller, came up with the solution using the mind-boggling mathematical formula ∏A =gUG + min (k - g, (1 - g)(1 - r)), where ∏ apparently equals profit. And the formula, published in the latest edition of the Economic Journal, will be invaluable to holidaymakers.
经济学家渡边诚(音译)和他的同事马克·莫勒经过努力,推算出如下数学公式:∏A =gUG + min(k - g, (1 - g)(1 - r))。其中,∏ 代表“盈利”,它决定着提前购买机票所代表的利益。这个研究成果发表在最新一期的英国《经济杂志》上,对于外出度假的人们来说,它是一个“掌中宝典”。