资料图 14岁争议少女詹纳"卖肉"改"卖衣"
Her modelling didn't get off to a smooth start, with a bikini photoshoot leading to questions about whether at 14 she was too young to act so sexily. But it seems Kendall Jenner has taken note of the criticism, with her new modelling shoot much more age-appropriate. Kendall, who stars alongside her sisters in Keeping Up With The Kardashians, poses in a youthful skirt and vest top for clothing line Lucca Couture.
好莱坞最富盛名的卡戴珊家族成员、14岁的争议少女卡戴珊·詹纳的模特事业发展可算是跌宕起伏,颇为不顺。她小小年纪就拍摄海边比基尼诱惑照招致了很多苛刻的批评。而最近这位处于风口浪尖的小女孩学乖了,在为服饰品牌Lucca Couture代言时很识时务的把敏感部位都遮盖了起来。
(小编有话说)没有丰乳肥臀、没有搔首弄姿,詹纳为服饰品牌Lucca Couture的少女系列拍摄了一组青春洋溢的宣传图片,宣传片里的她看起来青春逼人,T恤牛仔裙很符合她十几岁的年纪,粉色连衣裙和碎花连体短裤也诠释出了青少年应有的单纯。看来为了代言赚钱,詹纳也是可以以多变的风格出现的。