Ifyou're just come out of the sun and think you may have overdone it, you can take aspirin or ibuprofen, as these are drugs that block the formation of the chemicals that cause redness and swelling.
[page]you should get out of the sun straight away and stay out of it. If a baby or a child is sunburnt, or you've got blisters or a fever, you should seek medical advice from your GP or NHS Direct. Otherwise, from a medical perspective, the most important thing you can do is intensively moisturise your skin using a product that won't irritate the skin further
A cool bath or shower should help you feel more comfortable as it constricts the blood vessels.
[page]look for products containing ingredients like aloe vera and vitamin e, which quickly deliver a lot of moisture to skin.
The only time you might want to use vinegar is if you've got blisters - a capful of vinegar and cool water can help dry out blisters.