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US President Barack Obamaand British Prime Minister David Cameron toasted the "special relationship" between their two countries Saturday, swapping bottles of beer after a World Cup bet.


  The pair, who travelled to Toronto for the G20 summit together in Obama's helicopter after technical issues groundedCameron's, clinked bottles after their first meeting since Cameron took office last month.


  They hailed the "special relationship" between their two countries after exchanging the drinks following a bet on who would win this month's World Cup football game between England and the United States which ended in a 1-1 draw.



 Obama presented Cameron with a bottle of Goose Island 312 from his home city of Chicago, while Cameron gave Obama a bottle of Hobgoblin, which is made in his constituencyin Oxfordshire, west of London.


  "I advised him that in America we drink our beer cold, so he has to put this in the refrigerator before he drinks it," the president joked.


  On relations between the two countries, Obama told reporters that he and Cameron had "established a strong working relationship and we are confident that the special relationship is only going to get stronger in the months and years to come."



Cameron agreed, saying: "The relationship between our two countries I think is incredibly strong and I think can get stronger in the years ahead."


  Britain is the second-largest contributor of troops to the war in Afghanistan after the United States, but the two did not refer to the recent dismissal of General Stanley McChrystal, commander of US and NATO forces.

  英国是继美国之后向阿富汗派兵最多的国家,但当天两位领导人并未提及最近美军和北约部队总司令斯坦利 麦克里斯特尔被撤职一事。

  Nor did they publicly comment on BP, the British-based oil giant whose actions have drawn sharp criticism in the United States over its handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the worst environmental disaster in US history.
