英语听力汇总   |   发短信也冒患脑瘤的风险?






  Lead researcher Lloyd Morgan said there could be a 'brain tumour pandemic' unless people changed their patterns of mobile phone use. This would include texting rather than holding the phone to the ear


  People who talk on mobile phones are up to five times more likely to develop brain tumours than those who stick to landlines, academics have warned.


  They say a number of previous studies into mobile phone safety 'substantially underestimated' the cancer risks and that tumours are much more common on the side of the head to which the mobile is held than on the other side.



  Mr Morgan, of the Environmental Health Trust, a U.S. campaign group, spoke out after re-examining the figures from six previous studies.


  These included a Swedish one which originally concluded that people who used mobile phones for at least ten years were 3.9 times more likely to develop an acoustic neuinroma - a non-cancerous tumour - on a nerve near the ear to which they held their phone compared to those who rarely or never used the devices.



  The reanalysis, designed to take into account flaws in the design of the study which could have skewed the results, put the increased risk at 4.9 times.


  However, British cancer experts said predictions of a 'brain tumour pandemic' were overblown. 'Even after the minor adjustments reported in this new analysis, the results from the overall Interphone study are still either not statistically significant, or right on the borderline.'


  John Cooke, of the Mobile Operators Association, which represents the industry, said a World Health Organisation fact sheet last month stated that 'to date, no adverse health effects have been established for mobile phone use'.
