A grand wedding ceremony of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and her personal trainer, Mr Daniel Westling was held in the Cathedral in Stockholm on Saturday.
[page]About 1,500 family members and guests including the Kings and Queens from Sweden, other European countries and even Jordan attended the wedding.
[page]Swedish Archbishop Anders Wejryd married the couple in front of their parents and guests. Thousands of roses decorated in and outside the church.
在双方父母和宾客的见证下,瑞典大主教安德斯 韦伊瑞德宣布两人结为夫妻。当天教堂内外布满了玫瑰。
[page]The wedding is also considered a festival for the whole city. Tens of thousands of people stood along the road to watch the couple's cortegewith royal guards riding on the horses after the church ceremony.
[page]After the 6.4 kilometer trip both by the cart on land and the royal barge at the sea, the newly-weds went up to the castle together with the King and the Queen, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and his wife and other leaders and waved hands to tens of thousands of the crowds gathering around the palace.
在乘坐马车和皇家游艇完成路程达6.4公里的婚礼巡游后,公主夫妇与瑞典国王、王后、首相弗雷德里克 赖因费尔特及夫人以及其他领导人一同前往王宫,并对聚集在王宫附近的上万名民众挥手致意。
[page]"I like to thank you, the Swedish People, it is you who gave me my prince, I and my husband are unbelievably happy and grateful," Princess Victoria said to the public.
[page]Many people expressed that Princess Victoria did a good job and it is great that she married the one she loves.
[page]The new couple will live in the Haga park in Stockholm after the wedding.