英语听力汇总   |   如何向老总规范申请额外休假





      Before approaching your current employer to ask for time off that is over and above your current vacation allotment, you need to consider company policy. Some companies have specific guidelines about requesting a leave of absence, while others won’t consider them unless enforced by law (such as maternity or military leave).


  Speak with your boss or personnel department to find out if the reason for your absence is considered legitimate according to company policy. It’s also a good idea to speak to colleagues that may help fill your position. Having a plan in place to cover your position may help to get your request approved. Also consider your personal situation and whether you will ask for paid leave or not.




       Tips for a Leave of Absence Letter  


  ● Don’t write a leave of absence letter if you don’t plan on coming back to your job. In this case, you should be writing a resignation letter.

  ● 如果你不打算再回到自己的岗位,那就不要写休假申请信。在这种情况下,你应该写辞职信。

  ● Be specific when writing the dates of your departure and return. If you don’t know when you will be back, explain this and the reason why you don’t know. If the return date depends on a birth, recovery or other factors, let your employer know this.  

   ● 休假起止日期要明确。如果你不知道什么时候回来上班,那就明确说明,并解释不能确定的原因。如果回来上班的时间取决于生子、复原或其他问题,告诉你的雇主。

   ● You can include a reference to what you will be doing while you are away, if you like. Be sure to mention what steps you have taken to ensure that your workrelated duties will be covered in your absence. If coworkers will be taking over your duties, mention them by name.

  ● 如果你愿意,你可以提及自己在休假期间打算做些什么。一定要涉及你已经采取了哪些行动来保证你的工作内容在你休假期间得以解决。如果同事要接管你的工作,要提到他们的名字。

  ● Leave a phone number or email address for your employer to contact you if a problem arises. If your position will be vacant or filled by a temporary employee, the company may need your help on specific problems. If you cannot be available during your absence, leave detailed instructions for your employer to follow.

   ● 把你的电话号码或邮件地址留给雇主,好让他们在出现问题时联系你。如果你的岗位空着或由临时员工来接管,公司可能需要你帮忙解决某些特定问题。如果你在休假期间没时间忙工作,那就留一份详细的须知让你的雇主参考。


   The general leave of absence letter may look something like this:


  May 24, 2010 Victor Wong, Vice Editor-in- Chief of English Salon Style Version, Ms. Guo,

  I would like to request a 20-day leave of absence to volunteer for IFAW. If approved, I would like to have my last day at work to be on May 31 and first day of return on June 21.  

  I can still be available by e-mail or phone during this absence from the office to assist with any questions or problems. Thank you for your consideration.   

Victor Wong

  郭磊您好:我想请20 天假去国际爱护动物基金会做义工。如果能得到允许,我想于5 月31 号下班后离开,于6 月21 号回来上班。在我离开公司期间,如果有任何疑问或问题,您可以通过电子邮件或电话让我帮忙。如能考虑,不胜感激。谨上!


 [ 手写签名] 王振兴
2010 年5 月24 日 

  ● If your request for a leave of absence is approved, send a confirming letter to your immediate supervisor, the personnel department and anyone expected to share your work duties during your absence. You can write this letter as a thank you letter that can also serve as a record in case your supervisor leaves the company while you are away.

  ● 如果你的休假得到了许可,给你的直接上司、人事部以及任何你期望在你离开期间能分担你的工作任务的人发一封确认函。你可以用感谢信的形式写,这样这封确认函也能当作公文备案,以免你的上司在你休假期间离开了公司。


   The finished leave of absence letter may look something like this:


  Dear Leona Guo, Re: Leave of Absence This letter will confirm that I will be away from the office on a leave of absence starting on June 1. During this time, I will be volunteering for IFAW. In my absence, my duties will be assigned to Nancy Meng. If there’s anything you expect me to deal with, please contact me by wstarlit@gmail.com. I understand that during this time I will continue to be responsible for the publication of Style Version. As discussed, I will be returning to work on June 21.     

[Signature] Victor Wong

  主题:回复:休假主送:郭磊抄送:孟楠及《英语沙龙·时尚版》其他同事、人事部各位同事郭磊您好,写这封信以确认本人将于6 月1 日起离开公司休假,这段时间我将为国际爱护动物基金会做义工。在我休假期间,我的工作将由孟楠来接管。我能理解在这段时间我要继续负责“时尚版”的出版工作。所以,如果有什么需要我处理的, 请通过电子邮件(wstarlit@gmail.com)联系我。按照我们讨论过的,我将在 6 月21 日返回岗位。  

[ 手写签名] 王振兴