A Case For Those Extra 10 Pounds
People should consume, on average, no more than 2,000 calories a day, according to U.S. dietary guidelines. Eat fiber. Avoid saturated fat. And keep your sodium intake under 2,300 milligrams a day.
For women, the rules are even tougher: A recent study says women should exercise 60 minutes per day, every day, in order to just maintain their weight as they age.
People are awash in information, recommendations and rules surrounding weight and wellness. It's almost impossible to keep track of the medical and nutritional studies (some of which are contradictory). And it's difficult, at a minimum, to adhere to them.
But here's some news that may take off a bit of the pressure: A body of research is emerging that suggests that there's little risk to carrying a few extra pounds. And there may even be some benefit. Indeed, people who are 10-to-15 pounds overweight appear to have no greater risk of dying than those of so-called 'normal' weight. Other studies have shown that those who are overweight are no more likely to die from cancer or cardiovascular disease. Also, being a little overweight may help stave off osteoporosis. And it can make you look younger, too.
While experts agree that obesity is a serious health issue with widespread medical implications, there is a difference between carrying a bit of extra fat and being obese. 'Just because someone is slightly overweight doesn't mean they're not healthy,' says Keri Gans, a registered dietician and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
尽管专家们一致认为肥胖是一种严重的健康问题,会引发很多疾病,但超重几磅和肥胖之间是有区别的。美国饮食协会(American Dietetic Association)注册营养师、发言人甘斯(Keri Gans)说,仅仅是因为某个人稍微超重了,并不意味着他不健康。
Indeed, researchers and doctors are starting to understand that eating healthy foods and getting exercise can matter more than the number that appears when you step on the scale.
To calculate how much individuals should weigh, health-care professionals rely on a measurement that considers height and weight, and is known as the 'Body Mass Index' (BMI). A BMI of 18.5 through 24.9 is considered normal. 'Overweight' is considered having a BMI of 25 to 29.9. A person with a BMI of 30 or higher qualifies as obese.
An Australian study found that people in their 70s who were overweight were less likely than those of normal weight to die during a 10-year time span. This could indicate that a little extra weight might fortify people against illness and injury as they age.
The study, which was published in February in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, studied about 9,000 men and women. It also found that 'a little physical activity' twice a week was enough to ameliorate some of the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle, says Leon Flicker, the study's chief scientist and a professor of geriatric medicine at the University of Western Australia.
这项研究发表在2月份的《美国老年医学会期刊》(Journal of the American Geriatrics Society)上。研究对约9,000名男女进行了考察。研究的首席科学家、西澳大学(University of Western Australia)老年医学教授费力克(Leon Flicker)说,研究还发现,每周锻炼两次、每次进行一点运动就足以降低久坐生活方式所带来的一些不良影响。
Doctors who study osteoporosis see some benefits to being 10 pounds overweight: Subcutaneous fat produces estrogen which can help increase bone mass. And it might strengthen a skeleton to carry a bit of extra weight, says Felicia Cosman, clinical director of National Osteoporosis Foundation and a professor of medicine at Columbia University. 'Women should not worry if they are 10 to 15 pounds overweight, particularly if the fat is not concentrated in [the] belly,' Dr. Cosman says.
研究骨质疏松的医生们认为超重10磅能带来一些好处:皮下脂肪可以产生雌激素,它可以帮助增强骨密度。美国国家骨质疏松症基金会(National Osteoporosis Foundation)临床主任、哥伦比亚大学医学教授考斯曼(Felicia Cosman)说,多承受一点重量它还可能强化骨骼。考斯曼说,女性超重10到15磅不用感到担心,特别是如果脂肪不是集中在腹部。