Forget whether fat bonuses or the lack of regulation encouraged undue risk-taking during the credit-fueled boom. Risk may really run in Wall Street's blood.
[page]A study from researchers at business schools at Northwestern and the University of Chicago concludes that testosterone levels play a big role in a person's proclivity to take financial risks.
The study, published Monday in the academic journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, concludes that biology -- not just society or culture -- drives individuals to pursue financially riskier careers and to make riskier decisions.
研究报告周一发表在《美国科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上。报告称,促使人们从事金融风险更高的职业和做出风险性更高决定的不仅有社会或文化因素,还有生物学因素。
[page]In the study, researchers analyzed the saliva of 500 M.B.A. students at Chicago's Booth School of Business and put the students through certain games. They determined that men, who typically have higher levels of testosterone, were willing to take greater risks than women.
研究人员分析了芝加哥布斯商学院(Booth School of Business) 500名MBA学位在读生的唾液,并安排这些学生完成一些游戏。研究结果是,通常具有更高睾丸激素水平的男性比女性愿意冒更大的风险。
It isn't all that surprising to hear that men take more risks: Just look at all the male executives who loaded up on subprime mortgages. And the postscripts of such failed Wall Street firms as Lehman Brothers Holdings and Bear Stearns depict a clear macho culture pervading the corner offices.
男人更愿意冒险之说并不怎么出人意料:只需看看那些制造了大量次级按揭贷款的男性高管就可以了。而从雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers Holdings)和贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)等华尔街公司破产后的追述报导看,这些公司的管理层都由典型的男性文化所主导。
Interestingly, the researchers found that female students with higher testosterone levels also were willing to take more risks.
'We are saying that testosterone, which is a biological marker, rather then gender, makes them take more risks,' says researcher Paola Sapienza, associate professor at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management.
参与这项研究的西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management)副教授萨潘匝(Paola Sapienza)说,是被视为生物学标记的睾丸激素而非性别,决定了谁愿意冒更多风险。
The study found that 36% of the female M.B.A. students chose high-risk financial careers such as investment banking or trading, compared with 57% of the men. Does that mean the hormone, not gender bias, is behind the male-dominated composition of Wall Street?
There are some caveats. Ms. Sapienza acknowledges the finding doesn't take into account the social decisions that go into hiring. And the study was conducted in October 2006, at the height of the credit boom, before real-world evidence that excessive financial risk-taking really can threaten the foundations of the world economy.