Backlash Against Email Builds
Email can be a great tool in helping us multitask and set our own timetables for communicating with friends, family and co-workers. But lately, I've noticed a growing email backlash.
I have written before about companies imposing 'no email Fridays' or weekends to encourage more face-to-face and phone contact between co-workers. Lars Dalgaard, founder and chief executive of SuccessFactors, a California human-resource management software concern with nearly 1,000 workers, recently sent an email to employees banning in-house email for an entire week.
以前我曾写道,有些公司为鼓励同事之前更多地当面交流或电话联系,规定周五或周末不准发电子邮件。而SuccessFactors创办人兼首席执行长达尔高(Lars Dalgaard)最近给员工发了一封电子邮件,要求整个一周都不得在公司内部使用电子邮件。SuccessFactors是加州一家人力资源管理软件公司,雇有员工接近1,000人。
Mr. Dalgaard objects to email partly because people use it to avoid talking with others, or to hide negative or critical messages or information from co-workers, sometimes by hitting the 'bcc' button. His goal in setting the ban is to get employees 'authentically addressing issues amongst each other,' he told employees. So far, the edict is working. People are grabbing their phones or walking to each other's desks to talk, Mr. Dalgaard says. Employees still contact each other online via in-house social networks.
In targeting email, Mr. Dalgaard is trying to root out long, time-consuming, one-on-one email strings, he says. Other email critics say heavy emailing hurts productivity by distracting people and destroying their focus.
In related research, email may make users feel less responsible for telling the truth. A study in a recent issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology found that people are more willing to lie when communicating via email than with pen and paper, and feel more justified doing so. This was true regardless of whether the writers were told their falsehood would be discovered by others.
在相关的研究中,电子邮件有可能降低使用者讲真话的责任感。最近一期《应用心理学杂志》(Journal of Applied Psychology)中的一项研究发现,相比纸笔交流,人们使用电子邮件时说谎的意愿会更高,而且也更加觉得理直气壮。不管撰写人有没有得知他们的谎言会被其他人揭穿,情况都是如此。
I am having a little email backlash of my own. I used to be a heavy user of email to communicate with my adult stepchildren and extended family, who are scattered across six states. But I have noticed we are all using email less lately. Increasingly, an email seems to have less emotional significance than other modes of communication, from a phone call to an iChat talk.
Readers, how well does email work for you in communicating in depth with someone? How much do you rely on it at work?