How can you check you’re in good nick? Most of us steer clear of the doc – instead, you rely on your body to give you clues about how things are ticking over. And, you usually get it wrong. Here’s a list of things you fret over unnecessarily – and what you really should worry about.
WHITE SPOTS ON NAILS: No, it’ not a sign you’re lacking calcium. These spots are usually caused by bumps and scrapes to the base of your nails. Or, occasionally, they’re a sign of a fungal infection or skin trouble like psoriasis – both a nuisance but neither life-threatening.
BUT SEE THE DOC IF... your nails have all developed a strange downward curve like a parrot’s beak. This is “clubbing” – it’s rare but can be a sign of lung or gut problems.
[page]COLD FEET: Poor circulation, right? Wrong. The blood vessels in our hands and feet tighten up when it’s chilly – which makes our fingers and toes cold and white. This is more noticeable in some people than others.
BUT SEE THE DOC IF... you get an ache in your calves which comes on after you’ve walked a certain distance, particularly if you’re a smoker – that really could mean your blood vessels are clogging up.
[page]WIND: Typically, this results from your diet and lifestyle – overdoing the fruit and fibre, gobbling your food too fast, necking fizzy drinks and chewing gum or pen tops.
BUT SEE THE DOC IF... there are other symptoms like persistent diarrhoea or weight loss. You could have a bowel problem.
DISCOLOURED TONGUE: Blame the docs for this one. They’re always getting patients to poke their tongues out and I’ve no idea why – it rarely gives any useful information. But it does create tongue neurosis in the public – so if it’s furry, coated or black, you panic. Don’t bother. It’s normal or just caused by whatever you’ve been eating. BUT SEE THE DOC IF... you’re middle-aged or more and you’vehad a painless ulcer for weeks – especially if you’re a smoker. It might just be something nasty.
[page]DISCOLOURED OR SMELLY URINE: As per a nasty tongue, it’s usually just a reflection of what you’ve been eating. Dye can colour the wee, and certain foods – such as asparagus – can make it pong.
BUT SEE THE DOC IF... you think you’ve got blood in your wee or you’ve got other plumbing symptoms. You could have an infection or bladder problem, or if you’re a chap, prostate problems.
1. nick n . 情形,状况。
2. wee = weewee n .撒尿,尿。