Researchers from Milan say high GI foods are to blame for a rise in heart attack risk in women, rather than just the quantity of carbohydrates.
The Italian study found the danger lies in refined carbohydrates which often have a high Glycaemic Index (GI) score.
[page]The GI rates how quickly glucose is released into the bloodstream after eating, with a ranking from 0 to 100.
升糖指数可以估测出,在你吃完饭后,食物中的葡萄糖是以多快的速度分解到血液中的,这一速度值范围是0到100 。
Low GI foods - with a value of 55 or less - such as brown pasta, porridge and lentils - break down slowly during digestion while high GI foods of 70 or over, including white bread, pizza and white rice, cause a surge in blood sugar.