A British research firm is reporting that the average weight gained during pregnancy is 14 pounds—and that’s by the babies’ fathers.
[page]Five thousand male respondents to an online survey by the marketing company Onepoll, said they were eating more as their partners’ pregnancies progressed. Their reasons: eating out more frequently (42 percent), the increased availability of snacks around the house (41 percent), the desire to make their partner feel better about her own weight gain (25 percent) and being served larger portions—apparently by a hungry mom-to-be (20 percent).
在由一家名为Onepoll 的市场营销公司组织的网上调查中,5000名男性被调查者称随着妻子怀孕,自己吃得越来越多。他们的理由包括:“出去吃饭的次数增多(42%),家里的零食变得越来越多(41%),妻子怀孕变胖,自己也变胖她们会感觉好一点(25%),还有做饭的量变大——很明显是由于准妈妈食量增大(20%)。”
[page]On average, respondents said, they added about two inches to their waistlines and at least 25 percent had to go out and buy bigger pants. Only 30 percent, however, joined their partner in a diet after the baby arrived.