Some smokers chew nicotine gum in an effort to quit, but instead of parking a slightly masticated piece between cheek and gum, they chomp the little squares like a wad of Bazooka.
Others get the urge to smoke while wearing a nicotine patch, and since they've heard the false story that smoking while using the patch will cause a heart attack, they tear off the patch and light up and they're back to smoking, Lerman said.
[page]The lesson is that if you're trying to quit, whether using an over-the-counter method or a prescribed medication, follow the directions and your chance of success will increase.
But following directions with e-cigarettes may be moot. Lerman says she doesn't have any e-cigarette stories because none of her clients has mentioned that method of trying to quit.
[page]She also noted that a recent study at Virginia Commonwealth University found that e-cigarettes offer poor delivery of the drug smokers crave.E-cigarettes vaporize liquid containing nicotine.
But the Federal Drug Administration has concerns about chemicals in e-cig cartridges, and the recent Virginia study says that besides possible health dangers, the battery-powered butts deal a weak dose of nicotine.