Xi Li Ge or Brother Sharp, a homeless man in Ningbo becomes internet sensation
Does this man look like a beggar to you?
This is a picture of a homeless guy who has been roaming the streets of Ningbo, Zhejiang province in China.
With his tattered clothes, lost gaze and dirty locks, he is now one of the most searched-for figures on the Internet, reported Mingpao.com
Since the first picture of him was posted on the Internet a week ago, he has since gained a following and was elevated to a celebrity status.
Adoring netizens have gushed over his look and even compared the way he dressed to the bohemian styles modeled by fashion icons and celebrities.
His lanky frame was said to rival the models, while that unfocused gaze had been described as "deep and penetrating".
On top of that, there are those who gushed that he resembles Asian heartthrobs such as Zhang Zhen, Takeshi Kaneshiro and even Oscar-nominated Japanese actor Ken Watanabe.
A woman from Taizhou, Jiangsu, even claimed that he was her long-lost husband.
Dubbed Xi Li Ge (or Brother Sharp) by the netizens, the homelessman first gained popularitywhen his picture was uploaded to the Internet, by someone who accidentally photographed him while trying out a camera in a shop.
Those who have met him said he stands at 1.73m, aged around 36 years old and is always spotted with a cigarette in his mouth or between his fingers.
Apart from being the latest icon on the Internet, he acts no differentlyfrom any other homeless guy - one that seems to be suffering from mental disorder, that is.
Witnesses said they saw him laughing to himself, while at times he was seen clad in female attires.
Those who are in the know claimed that he was a university graduate that lost his mind after his girlfriend left him.
Curious netizens from other areas have poured in to Ningbo trying to catch a sight of him.
And thanks to local media's coverage, the story about Xi Li Ge has even spread to as far as Japan.
The Ningpo government was soon alerted about the situation. Its spokespersonsaid the local government is concerned about Xi Li Ge.
"It's the local government's responsibility for everyone to experience the kindness of the people in this city," he said, adding that Ningbo is famed for its reputation as a city with passionateinhabitants.
"We will continue to care for the homeless guys. This is an essential part of the development of a civilised city," concluded the spokesperson.
席卷了中国台湾和日本 "犀利哥"在短短一个星期内红透网络,同时也被包括纸媒、电视、网络等各大媒体大肆报道。 "潮人哥、犀利哥,乞丐王子火网络......"网友"声琴相拥"借《济公》主题曲,为"犀利哥"写了一首"潮人乞丐歌"。 在某网站上,ID为"不知是诱惑"的商家已经把"犀利哥"的一身行头标价6666元,拿来当获取点击的噱头。 而在台湾中天综艺的一档节目里,台湾模仿秀明星"九孔"更是以"犀利哥"的造型出镜,让网民大吃一惊。 "犀利哥"现在已经冲出中国,冲向亚洲,在日本最大的BBS"2Ch"上,日本网友认为"犀利哥"酷似日本当红男星水岛宏,两人照片对比更是惊人相似,引来一片惊呼! 我差点晕倒 他竟然对我笑了 "犀利哥"这么有型,却又如此可怜,上周末,很多网友都开始行动,有些人专门到天一广场找"犀利哥",而有些偶遇后伸出了援手。网友"shopping泡饭"上周六早上在东门口地下通道看到"犀利哥"后,她赶紧和老公去买了些食物递给"犀利哥"。 "他淡淡地对我笑了一下,然后接受了我的好意。他竟然对我笑了,我差点没晕倒。""shopping泡饭"说,当她追问"犀利哥"是哪里人时,"犀利哥"立即恢复了原来冷峻的表情,走进了人群中...... 网友"动情"上周六也在东门口偶遇了"犀利哥"。他说,以前在论坛上看帖子时没什么感觉,但在现实中看见"犀利哥",心里总有点堵得慌。网友"农夫菜园"特地买了食品和中华烟去找"犀利哥"。 网友"jessiedith"则说,元宵夜,他在江厦公园看到了"犀利哥"正在拜月亮。 网友呼吁:别再打扰"犀利哥"了 网友"充电器"是"犀利哥"街拍照的拍摄者,他在了解"犀利哥"的一些真实信息后,很震撼很难过,心里久久不能平静。 作为"犀利哥"的原拍者,他呼吁大家不要再去跟拍"犀利哥"了:"不要再去打扰他的生活了,这样对他的病会有大影响的。如果大家有机会在路边见到他,请大家给他一些帮助,哪怕是一个包子,一块面包......" 昨天,宁波网友"老馋猫"也表示,他现在不会特意去找"犀利哥"了,因为已经有太多的人在关注他。 找到"犀利哥" 救助站有什么打算? 昨天,宁波市救助站也开始行动。 "我们救助站里有空的几个人分了两批,上午、下午不停地找。本来打算找到后,了解下他的情况,然后看怎么处理这个事情。"救助站的业务科科长黄鸿鹰说。不过遗憾的是,昨天工作人员一直没找到"犀利哥"的身影。 "现在人也没找到,很多事情都不好说。"黄鸿鹰说,按照救助规定来说,如果这个人有行为能力、没有毛病的话,不会干预他继续乞讨;如果沟通后,发现"犀利哥"有精神方面问题的,他们会选择把他送到医院进行治疗。 "等到他病情基本稳定后,我们还会跟他沟通,努力想办法找回他的家人。"这两天,工作人员还将继续努力寻找"犀利哥",直到找到他为止。据钱江晚报 政府发言人称要让其感受到城市温暖;"犀利哥"浪潮已席卷中国台湾、日本 "我们已经联系宁波救助站,积极去寻找‘犀利哥'。政府有责任让每一个生命得到关注,也有责任让每个人感受到这座城市的温暖。"昨天,宁波市人民政府副秘书长、新闻发言人张松才这样告诉记者。这也标志着"犀利哥"的事件已引起宁波市政府高度关注,相信在政府的推动下,将有更多的人来关注他。 昨天傍晚,宁波救助站业务科科长黄鸿鹰告诉记者,可能由于下雨的关系,工作人员在东门口一带进行搜寻后,还是没有找到"犀利哥",不过他们将继续寻找"犀利哥"。 犀利哥名片 犀利哥,源自蜂鸟网上传的一组照片,后于2010年2月23日,因天涯论坛一篇帖子---《秒杀宇内究极华丽第一极品路人帅哥!帅到刺瞎你的狗眼!求亲们人肉详细资料》而迅速走红,被网友誉为"极品乞丐"、"究极华丽第一极品路人帅哥"、"乞丐王子"等。之后,被网友广为追捧,并加以"人肉搜索",以探求其真实身份。有结果称,犀利哥实为宁波街头一名乞丐,由于复杂身世流落街头。亦有网友对其乞丐身份表示质疑。 犀利哥"是抗洪老兵 他应该有他的尊严 在网上看到最牛乞丐的帖子后,心里很难受,想不到在照片中看到的人居然是曾经的战友,1997年入伍后在南京军区江西南昌当兵,曾经参加过1998年抗洪抢险,为了人民群众的安危,忍受长时间的烈日暴晒和洪水浸泡,在江堤上风餐露宿,夜以继日地艰苦奋战。把个人的利益抛在脑后,把个人的生死置之度外,曾经获得过部队嘉奖,这就是今天网友眼中这个最牛乞丐过去的故事。 据一个战友说,在他很小的时候母亲死得早,父亲也在很小就离开了他,他一直和亲戚生活。退伍后也没有找到什么正式满意的工作,谁知竟然会落到这般地步。我想如果有一个温暖幸福的家,他也未必会到这个地步。 他并不是乞丐,因为他不会主动要钱,他应该有他的尊严。我们战友看到帖子后,曾经到街头去找过他,给他买了饭和食品。但他只喝了一口汤,他虽然头发胡子很长、衣服很破,但我们几个人的名字他都能报出来,他说那个曾经的他已经死了,往事不用再提。我们陪他聊了很久,有时他会胡言乱语,但我们宁愿相信这是他在掩饰自己的借口,我们给他饭的时候,他也偷偷的用破棉被擦拭了眼泪。 让他回归正常人的生活是我们最大的愿望,谁愿意在寒冷的深夜盖着破棉被露宿街头呢。作为战友我们很想帮他,也会出钱出力,但力量毕竟是有限的,希望全社会共同伸出援助之手,也希望相关部门能够给予帮助。