英语听力汇总   |   你相信血型决定一切吗?





          In Japan, “What’s your type?” is much more than small talk; it can be a paramount question in everything from matchmaking to getting a job.



        By type, the Japanese mean blood type, and no amount of scientific debunking can kill a widely held notion that blood tells all.




        Last year, four of Japan’s top 10 best-sellers were about how blood type determines personality. As defined by the books, type As are sensitive perfectionists but overanxious; Type Bs are cheerful but eccentric and selfish; Os are curious, generous but stubborn; and ABs are artistic but mysterious and unpredictable. Even PM Taro Aso seems to consider it important enough to reveal in his web profile. He’s an A. His rival, opposition leader Ichiro Ozawa, is a B.

  去年,日本国内十大畅销书中有四本都是关于血型如何决定性格的。按照书中的定义,A 型血的人是敏感的完美主义者, 但过于焦虑; B 型血的人开朗,但古怪、自私;O 型血的人充满了好奇心、慷慨,但固执。AB型血的人有艺术细胞,但神秘且难以捉摸。就连日本首相麻生太郎似乎都觉得有必要在其网站的个人简介中标明自己的血型。麻生太郎是A 型,而他的对手、在野党主席小泽一郎的血型是B 型。


      It doesn’t stop there. Matchmaking agencies provide blood-type compatibility tests, and some firms decide about assignments based on employees’ blood types.
