英语听力汇总   |   AIG拟350亿美元将友邦出售给英国保诚





AIG and Prudential are on the verge of sealing a deal for the sale of AIA, the US life company’s Asian business, to the UK’s biggest insurer for up to $35bn, with a deal expected to be announced this week.


The board of AIG held talks this weekend to decide whether to sell its huge Asian business or proceed with a planned listing of the unit after a presentation by Tidjane Thiam, Pru chief executive, on Friday.

在保诚集团首席执行官迪德简•蒂亚姆(Tidjane Thiam)上周五提交了收购方案后,AIG董事会上周末举行了磋商,以决定是否出售其庞大的亚洲业务,还是推进这块业务的上市计划。

According to people familiar with the situation, a deal is at an advanced stage and has been agreed in principle, while others say that the stricken US insurer and its owners could still plump for the $15bn-$20bn initial public offering that AIA has been preparing for almost a year.


Prudential declined to comment.


Buying AIA would represent a stunning coup by Prudential and enable the UK group – which already books a third of its global sales in Asia – to become an insurance powerhouse in the region. A deal would more than double the size of the company and mean that its business would be dominated by Asian sales and profits.


However, it could also stretch its finances and face opposition from shareholders.


However, people familiar with the matter said on Saturday that there was a strong chance that a sale announcement could be made before the opening today of the London market, where Prudential is listed.


“There are still a few issues to iron out which could scupper a deal but this [sale] could be announced soon,” said one person familiar with the matter.


The US Treasury and the New York Federal Reserve, which have an 80 per cent stake in AIG following repeated bail-outs of the insurer, were also being consulted, AIG insiders said.

AIG内部人士表示,他们也征询了美国财政部与纽约联储(New York Fed)的意见。在多次对AIG进行纾困后,美国财政部与纽约联储持有这家保险公司80%的股份。

An outright sale of AIA to Prudential could enable AIG to raise more funds than by listing a stake in the unit.


Mr Thiam was in New York last week in an effort to persuade AIG’s management that his company had both the desire and the ability to buy AIA.


If the sale goes ahead, the UK group would have to raise at least part of the funds through a large equity issue.


People familiar with the matter said that Prudential had lined up financing options with JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and Credit Suisse, among others.

知情人士表示,保诚集团已与摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、汇丰(HSBC)和瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)等机构安排了多项融资方案。

AIG is already in advanced talks with its US rival MetLife over the $15bn-$20bn sale of Alico, its international insurance arm.


AIA is the leading pan-Asian foreign insurer, followed by Prudential. It boasts 20m policyholders across 13 countries, employs 250,000 tied agents and makes aggregate operating profits of about $2bn a year.

友邦保险是位居首位的泛亚洲外资保险公司,保诚集团紧随其后。友邦保险的投保人有2000万、遍布13个国家,聘用的固定代理人(tied agent)有25万,年总营业利润约为20亿美元。

英国《金融时报》记者弗朗西斯科•格雷拉(Francesco Guerrera)纽约、森迪普•塔克(Sundeep Tucker)香港、保罗•J•戴维斯(Paul J Davies)伦敦报道
