英语听力汇总   |   年终办公室送礼小攻略





Be careful when playing Santa at the office. Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.


  A Victoria's Secret gift card for the cute gal who works in the neighboring cubicle? Not appropriate。

  给临桌的可爱女孩送张Victoria's Secret性感内衣的代金卡?这可不太合适。

  A dictionary for the new co-worker whose misspellings on email you've had to correct? It probably won't be appreciated, says Lizzie Post, author and spokeswoman for the Emily Post Institute and great-great granddaughter of the etiquette queen.

  给电子邮件中不时出现单词拼写错误、让你不得不常常纠错的新同事送本字典?利齐·波斯特(LizziePost)说,这或许不会让对方心生感激。她是礼仪女王埃米利·波斯特的曾曾孙女,也是埃米利-波斯特学院(Emily PostInstitute)的作家和发言人。

  Here are some guidelines for appropriate gift giving in the workplace:



The Boss and Colleagues


  'Generally, it's not appropriate to give your boss a gift,' says Ms. Post. 'It can come with mixed messages. People worry that it seems like you are trying to buy favoritism.'


  Instead, see if co-workers would like to contribute to a gift for the boss from the whole office. If you're charged with buying the gift, 'stick with office-related items or something that fits with the subject of your company's work,' says Ms. Post. Or, if your boss has a hobby or interest, such as golf, consider a gift that plays to that.


You and co-workers also can chip in to get small gifts for people working under you, like the receptionist or mailroom staff.


  If you're exchanging gifts with co-workers, it's best to buy something simple for everyone in your team or group. Keep individual gift giving outside the office, suggests Ms. Post.


  For the boss as well as co-workers, avoid items that are too personal -- say, perfume, scented bath products, jewelry, lingerie or other clothing. Also steer away from alcohol and tobacco products.


Gag gifts can cause problems as well. 'Not everyone translates humor the way you might' and you risk offending someone, says Jacqueline Whitmore, author of 'Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work.' Cash is a no-no as are gifts that are too expensive. 'You're going to look like you are just trying to win favor,' she says.

  带有恶作剧性质的礼物也可能会带来问题。《老板不说,但要你做到的事》(Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work)一书作者杰奎琳·惠特摩尔(Jacqueline Whitmor)说,并非每个人都会以你那样的方式欣赏幽默,你可能会冒犯什么人。现金或是过于贵重的礼物都是禁忌。她说,这样你看起来就好像是在努力赢得好感。

  You don't have to reciprocate if a co-worker gives you a gift.



Outside the Office


  It's your call whether to buy gifts for clients, vendors or people you have a professional relationship with outside the office.


  If your office sends out gifts to clients and vendors, there's 'no need to do something on top of that,' says Ms. Post. Write a nice card if you feel like that 'person really made your year.'


If you decide to buy gifts for clients or vendors, make sure their company guidelines allow them to accept gifts. You also should check your company's gift-giving guidelines, especially if you plan to use company funds to purchase presents.


  If you attend a holiday party with colleagues in someone's home, make sure you bring a hostess gift. Leah Ingram, a gift and etiquette expert who runs giftsandetiquette.com, says that while wine is usually a popular hostess gift, it may not always be appropriate if it's a work event. A nice box of chocolates or a poinsettia plant are good options, she says。
