Japan Airlines is to cut 15,700 jobs, or a third of its workforce, under a radical restructuring plan it will announce as part of an expected bankruptcy filing today. |
根据一项重大重组计划,日本航空(Japan Airlines)将裁员1.57万人,即三分之一员工。预计该公司将于今日申请破产保护,并宣布这一重组计划。 |
People close to the situation said Asia's largest carrier by revenues would also announce that it would sell or close half the group's subsidiaries, of which there are almost 100, in a move aimed at raising cash and cutting operating costs by 25 per cent. |
知情人士表示,这家在亚洲收入居首的航空公司还将宣布出售或关闭半数子公司——差不多有100家——以期筹措基金并削减25%的营运成本。 |
The measures are aimed at returning the troubled Japanese flag carrier to profit in the financial year to the end of March 2012. |
上述举措旨在使这家陷入困境的日本旗舰航空公司在截止2012年3月的财年恢复盈利。 |
JAL's expected filing for court protection from its creditors is one of Japan's biggest corporate failures. The government is preparing at least Y900bn ($9.9bn) in new equity and credit lines to keep the airline operating while in bankruptcy. |
日本航空预计申请的针对债权人的法庭保护,构成日本最大的企业破产案之一。为使该航空公司在破产期间维持运营,日本政府正筹备至少9000亿日元(合99亿美元)的新股本和信用额度。 |
Restructuring charges and a continued decline in JAL's passenger numbers would leave the former state-owned carrier with an estimated Y265bn operating loss for the year to March 30, according to people briefed on the financial situation. That would compare with a Y51bn loss last year. |
了解该公司财务状况的人士表示,重组开支以及乘客数量的持续下降,将使这家原国有航空公司在截止3月30日的财年出现2650亿日元的估计运营亏损,而去年的亏损额为510亿日元。 |
JAL's bankruptcy could be the largest of a Japanese group outside the financial services sector and would be one of the country's fifth or sixth-largest. |
日本航空的破产可能是日本最大的非金融服务企业破产案,也将是日本第五或第六大破产案。 |
The Japanese carrier had gross debts of Y1,442bn as of March 2009, on a par with the amount owed by the Mycal supermarket chain, which became Japan's biggest corporate failure outside the financial services sector when it went under in 2001. |
日本航空截至2009年3月的总债务为1.442万亿日元,与当年Mycal连锁超市的债务水平相当。后者于2001年破产,是当时日本最大的非金融服务企业破产案。 |
Shares in JAL fell Y2 yesterday to close at Y5, a fraction of their price a few months ago, when most investors and analysts still believed the company would avoid bankruptcy. |
日本航空股价昨日下跌2日元,收于5日元,只有几个月前股价的一个零头——当时多数投资者和分析师还相信,该公司能够避免破产。 |
译者/章晴 |