Citigroup yesterday unveiled plans to raise up to $19.6bn and return $20bn to US taxpayers in a move that will free the bank from heightened government supervision but could inflict further pain on its shareholders. |
花旗集团(Citigroup)昨日宣布,计划筹集至多196亿美元的资金,并向美国纳税人偿还200亿美元。此举将使该行摆脱更为严格的政府监管,但可能会对该行股东造成更多痛苦。 |
The decision, after months of tense talks with regulators, is a milestone for Citi, which was repeatedly bailed out during the financial crisis and was one of the last banks still subject to tough government restrictions on pay and operations. |
在与监管机构紧张协商数月后达成的上述决定,对花旗具有里程碑式的意义。金融危机期间,该行多次接受纾困,是最后几家仍然受制于政府严格的薪酬与经营管制的银行之一。 |
The equity offering, which could be the largest ever by a US bank, will be a test of investors' faith in Citi's ability to compete with healthier rivals without government support. |
此次股权融资的规模,可能超过美国以往任何一家银行。它将考验投资者对花旗能力的信心,即该行能否在没有政府支持的情况下,与健康状况更好的竞争对手较量。 |
Under yesterday's agreement, the US Treasury will sell up to $5bn of the bank's shares, reducing its 34 per cent stake in the lender to below 30 per cent. |
根据昨日达成的协议,美国财政部将出售至多50亿美元的花旗股份,把在该行的持股比例从34%降至30%以下。 |
The authorities have agreed to sell the rest of the government's stake within 12 months. |
当局同意在未来12个月内售出剩余的政府持股。 |
Citi will also terminate an insurance agreement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on some $250bn in toxic assets – a key condition for Citi's release from restrictions on bankers' pay. |
花旗还将终止一项与美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)达成的针对大约2500亿美元有毒资产的保险协议,这是花旗摆脱银行家薪酬限制的一个关键条件。 |
As a result, Citi will cancel $1.8bn-worth of preferred securities held by the FDIC, leaving the regulator with a $5.4bn preferred investment in the lender. |
其结果是,花旗将取消由FDIC持有的18亿美元优先证券,使FDIC对该行优先证券的投资规模降至54亿美元。 |
Citi will also issue $1.7bn in stock to staff in lieu of cash bonuses and might sell $3bn in preferred securities in early 2010 if it needs more capital. |
花旗还将向员工发放17亿美元的股票,以代替现金奖金。如需更多资金,该行可能会在2010年初出售30亿美元的优先证券。 |
The measures taken to repay the $20bn from the Troubled Asset Relief Programme will result in a $10.1bn pre-tax loss in the fourth quarter but will save Citi $2.2bn a year in interest and amortisation expenses. |
为偿还从问题资产救援计划(TARP)那里得到的200亿美元资金所采取的上述举措,将导致该行在第四季度出现一项101亿美元的税前亏损,但将为花旗节省每年22亿美元的利息和摊销支出。 |
译者/章晴 |