Greece must announce bold initiatives in the next few days to rescue its collapsing bond market and avert the possibility of defaulting on a rising public debt, leading economists and bankers warned yesterday. |
主要经济学家和银行家昨日警告称,希腊必须在未来几天内宣布大胆的行动计划,以挽救正走向崩溃的债券市场,避免日益高企的公共债务出现违约。 |
George Papandreou, prime minister, will today outline structural reforms aimed at cutting the budget deficit from 12.7 per cent to 3 per cent of gross domestic product – the limit allowed by the eurozone's stability and growth pact – over the next four years. |
希腊总理乔治•帕潘德里欧(George Papandreou)将于今日宣布一系列结构性改革方案,目的是在未来4年里,将预算赤字占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例从12.7%降至3%,这是欧元区《稳定与增长条约》(stability and growth pact)所规定的上限。 |
But observers were pessimistic last night that Mr Papandreou would reverse his current policy and call for an immediate freeze on public sector wages and higher excise taxes. |
但观察人士昨晚态度悲观,认为帕潘德里欧逆转当前政策、同时呼吁立即冻结公共部门工资并提高消费税的可能性不大。 |
Such measures are seen as critical to lowering spreads on Greek bonds and restoring confidence in the economy. |
外界认为,上述举措对降低希腊债券息差以及恢复人们对该国经济的信心至关重要。 |
“Greece has to show it understands the magnitude of the crisis,” said Nikos Karamouzis, deputy chief executive of EFG Eurobank, the largest private Greek lender. |
希腊最大私人银行EFG Eurobank的副首席执行官尼克斯•卡拉莫西丝(Nikos Karamouzis)表示:“希腊必须表现出它了解这场危机的严重性。” |
“This means implementing immediately very radical and painful measures. This is what international financial markets and our European partners are demanding,” he said. |
他表示:“这意味着立即实施非常到位且痛苦的举措。这是国际金融市场和我们的欧洲合作伙伴所要求的。” |
Ireland last week announced unprecedented cuts in public sector wages and unemployment benefits, while Spain promised a 4 per cent reduction of spending in its 2010 budget amid pressure on bond markets. |
上周,爱尔兰宣布,将以空前力度削减公共部门工资和失业救济金;与此同时,迫于债市压力,西班牙承诺把2010年的预算支出降低4%。 |
“Our window of opportunity is shrinking very fast,” said Yannis Stournaras, an Athens University economics professor and former chief adviser at the finance ministry. |
雅典大学(Athens University)经济学教授、财政部前首席顾问扬尼斯•斯托纳拉斯(Yannis Stournaras)表示:“我们的机会之窗正在迅速缩小。” |
“Other countries in trouble have already taken measures. If we don't quickly follow suit the adjustment will be imposed by markets and it will be violent,” Mr Stournaras said. |
斯托纳拉斯表示:“其它陷入困境的国家已经采取措施。如果我们不迅速效仿,那么市场将强行进行调整,而这种调整将是剧烈的。” |
译者/章晴 |