Copper, aluminium and lead yesterday hit their highest levels in more than a year, boosted by a combination of strong investor flows, a weaker US dollar and signs of strong economic growth in China and elsewhere in Asia. |
昨日,受投资者踊跃投资、美元走软、中国及亚洲其它地区经济增长强劲的迹象等因素的综合影响,铜、铝和铅价创下一年多以来最高水平。 |
JBC Energy, the Vienna-based consultancy, said that the speed at which commodities markets had recovered “from news about Dubai World's delayed debt has been remarkable”. |
总部位于维也纳的JBC能源咨询公司(JBC Energy)表示,大宗商品市场“从迪拜世界(Dubai World)暂停还债的消息反弹的速度相当可观”。 |
On the London Metal Exchange, copper for delivery in three months rose to a 14-month high of $7,170 a tonne. It later pared gains, but still gained 1.2 per cent to $7,145 a tonne. |
在伦敦金属交易所(LME),三个月后交割的铜价一度触及每吨7170美元的14个月高点。尽管后来有所回落,但当日仍上涨1.2%,收于每吨7145美元。 |
Copper, the base metals' bellwether, has risen more than 130 per cent this year and is on course to record its biggest annual increase in more than 30 years, according to Reuters data. |
路透社(Reuters)数据显示,作为贱金属风向标的铜价,今年已上涨逾130%,并有望出现30多年来最大年度增长。 |
“A raft of positive macro-economic data over the past 24 hours is the likely exegesis of the further gains we have seen in metals prices,” said Gayle Berry, a base metals analyst at Barclays Capital. |
巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)的贱金属分析师盖尔•贝瑞(Gayle Berry)表示:“过去24小时内大量积极的宏观经济数据,可能是我们所看到的金属价格进一步上涨的原因所在。” |
Aluminium jumped to $2,165.25 a tonne, its highest level since October 2008. It later traded at $2,155 a tonne, up 2.4 per cent on the day. |
铝价盘中一度升至每吨2165.25美元,为2008年10月以来最高水平。后来报收于每吨2155美元,当日上涨2.4%。 |
The rally is forcing some contrarian investors, who bet on a price fall due to large inventories, to capitulate, traders said. Lead prices rose to $2,525 a tonne, their highest level since May 2008. Zinc, nickel and tin also posted gains. |
交易员表示,本轮反弹正迫使一些曾押注金属价格会因库存量大而下跌的逆市投资者投降。铅价升至每吨2525美元,为2008年5月以来的最高水平。锌、镍和锡价也出现了上涨。 |
Gold jumped to a fresh record high supported by dollar weakness and strong physical activity, a sign that rich investors were pouring money into gold bars and bullion coins. |
受美元疲弱和实物交易活跃的支撑,金价创下了历史新高。迹象表明,富裕的投资者正大量斥资购买金条和金币。 |
Spot bullion rose to an intraday record of $1,216.75 a troy ounce, up more that 1.5 per cent. |
现货金价创下了每盎司1216.75美元的盘中记录,涨幅逾1.5%。 |
Gijsbert Groenewegen, managing director of New York-based precious metal hedge fund Silver Arrow Capital, said: “The momentum in gold will only increase. |
纽约贵金属对冲基金“银箭资本”(Silver Arrow Capital)董事总经理海斯伯特•格林尼维根(Gijsbert Groenewegen)表示:“金价的上涨势头只会增强。” |
“We will see $1,300-$1,350 an ounce in early 2010.” |
“我们估计2010年初(金价)会达到每盎司1300至1350美元。” |
The central bank of China warned about a developing bubble in the gold market, playing down expectations that Beijing would buy bullion to diversify its official reserves away from the US dollar. This echoes a broader sentiment in the gold market following the near 40 per cent rise in prices since January. |
中国央行警告称,黄金市场正出现泡沫,由此降低了人们的期望——即北京将购买黄金,藉此将官方外汇储备资产从美元转向其它资产。在金价自今年1月以来上涨近40%后,这也反映了黄金市场上一种更普遍的情绪。 |