英语听力汇总   |   摩根大通将全资掌控英国嘉诚证券





JPMorgan Chase is this week expected to take full ownership of Cazenove, the 190-year-old UK stockbroker, in a £940m ($1.56bn) deal that will trigger bumper pay-outs for some of the City of London's top financiers.

预计美国投资银行摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)本周将获得拥有190年历史的英国券商嘉诚(Cazenove)的所有权,此笔涉资9.4亿英镑(合15.6亿美元)的交易,将为伦敦金融城的许多顶级金融家带来丰厚收入。

The US investment bank is in talks to buy the 50 per cent of Cazenove it does not already own by exercising an option agreed when the original tie-up between the two companies was struck five years ago.


The proposed buy-out will value each Cazenove share at 500p-525p, according to people close to the talks, more than double the most recent quoted price of 245p in April this year.


Senior figures at Cazenove, as well as many high-profile former employees, stand to make huge gains from the sale.


David Mayhew, the chairman who joined the group 40 years ago, is set to receive the largest pay-out of £18m-£19m.

在公司效力40年的嘉诚董事长戴维•梅修(David Mayhew)将可拿到1800万-1900万英镑,是所有人中最高的。

Mr Mayhew owned more than 3.6m ordinary shares and another 400,000 in restricted shares at the end of 2008, according to public filings.


Michael Power, who took over as finance director in 2001 and joined Cazenove's board five years ago, and Alan Carruthers, who has been head of equities for six years, are in line for £10m and £5m, respectively.

2001年接任财务总监并于5年前进入董事会的迈克尔•鲍尔(Michael Power),以及担任证券部门主管6年之久的艾伦•卡拉瑟斯(Alan Carruthers),将分别获得1000万英镑和500万英镑。

Ian Hamman, a leading architect of JPMorgan Cazenove, the joint venture, and other former Cazenove luminaries including Robert Pickering, who quit as chief executive last year, and John Paynter are also in line for windfalls.

两家公司的合资机构——摩根大通嘉诚(JPMorgan Cazenove)的主要设计者之一伊恩•哈曼(Ian Hamman),以及其他许多曾在嘉诚任职且颇有名气的人物,包括去年辞去首席执行官之位的罗伯特•皮克林(Robert Pickering),以及约翰•佩因特(John Paynter),都将收获颇丰。