French insurer Axa and Australia's AMP have launched one of Asia's biggest unsolicited takeover bids of the year, tabling a joint A$11bn (US$10.2bn) offer for Axa's majority-owned Asian business. |
法国保险商安盛(Axa)和澳大利亚安保集团(AMP)发起了本年度亚洲最大的主动收购要约之一,共同出资110亿澳元(合102亿美元)收购安盛持有多数股权的安盛亚洲业务。 |
The bid, which was rejected by Axa Asia Pacific as inadequate, signalled the French company's intent to expand its presence in some of the world's fastest-growing emerging markets. It marked the second time in five years that it has tried to buy the Asian business outright. |
该竞购表明,安盛试图在全球一些增长最快的新兴市场拓展业务。这已经是它在5年内第二次尝试全盘收购安盛亚太。安盛亚太(Axa Asia Pacific)已经以报价不够高为由,拒绝了该收购要约。 |
Rick Allert, chairman of Axa Asia Pacific, in which the French insurer holds a 53.9 per cent stake, said that the offer was too low and failed to reflect fully the prospects for its high-growth operations. |
安盛亚太总裁里克•阿勒特(Rick Allert)表示,这个报价太低,未能充分反映安盛亚太业务高增长的前景。安盛持有安盛亚太53.9%的股权。 |
“If they come back, then we'll look at whatever they come back with,” Mr Allert said on a conference call. |
阿勒特在电话会议上表示:“如果他们回来,无论他们拿出什么方案,我们都会考虑。” |
Axa, which is Europe's second largest insurer, yesterday launched a €2bn (US$3bn) rights issue as part of what it called an “aggressive” strategy to fund acquisitions. |
作为安盛称为“激进”收购融资策略的一部分,这家欧洲第二大保险商昨日启动20亿欧元(合30亿美元)的配股发行计划。 |
Henri de Castries, Axa's executive chairman, said of the offer: “It's a reasonable proposal and we are ready to discuss it.” |
安盛首席执行官亨瑞•德•卡第(Henri de Castries)提及收购要约时表示:“这是一个合理的提议,我们愿意对它进行讨论。” |
“This is an opportunity that will reinforce our exposure to Asia, it will be financed conservatively and maintain in our balance sheet necessary flexibility for other opportunities – we want to be in a situation where we can seize opportunities,” Mr de Castries said. |
卡第表示:“这是一个将会加强我们在亚洲地盘的机会,我们将对它进行保守融资,在我们的资产负债表中保持必要的灵活性,以备其它机会来临——我们希望置身于能够抓住机会的地位。” |
Under the proposal, AMP would buy all the shares in Axa Asia Pacific, sell the Asian operations to Axa for A$7.7bn and retain the group's Australian and New Zealand units. Axa estimated that the net cost to it would be €1.1bn for the Asian parts of the business. |
根据提议,安保将买断安盛亚太集团的所有股票,并将后者的亚洲业务以77亿澳元出售给安盛,同时保留该集团的澳大利亚和新西兰业务。安盛估计,它收购安盛亚太亚洲业务的净成本将为11亿欧元。 |
英国《金融时报》舍赫拉查德•达内什库(Scheherazade Daneshkhu)巴黎、彼得•史密斯(Peter Smith)悉尼、保罗•J•戴维斯(Paul J. Davies)伦敦报道 |