Warren Buffett yesterday struck the biggest deal of his life with the $26bn purchase of Burlington Northern Santa Fe, one of the largest US railroad operators, in what the billionaire investor called an “all-in wager” on America's economic future. |
沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)昨日做成了他有生以来最大的一笔交易,用260亿美元收购了美国最大的铁路运营商之一BNSF(Burlington Northern Santa Fe)。这位身价亿万的投资者称此举是对美国经济前景的“全盘下注”。 |
The cash-and-shares deal by Mr Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, which already has a 22.6 per cent stake in BNSF, caps a long search by the legendary investor for an “elephant” deal to deploy his vast cash pile. |
巴菲特旗下的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)此前已经拥有BNSF 22.6%的股权。这笔现金加股票交易,将会为这位传奇投资者物色“大象级”交易、以配置其巨额现金的漫长过程划上句号。 |
The takeover deepens Mr Buffett's exposure to the US- focused old economy sectors that have long been the backbone of his empire alongside financial services, and underlines his confidence in a rebound in domestic growth. |
此次收购加深了巴菲特对面向美国的老经济部门的投资,突显其对美国经济增长反弹的信心。美国的老经济部门与金融服务业一直构成巴菲特帝国的主要投资。 |
“America's best years lie ahead, no question about it,” Mr Buffett told CNBC after the deal, which values Texas-based BNSF at $44bn, including $10bn of debt and the value of the stake Berkshire had accumulated since 2007. |
“美国的最美好时代还在未来,这一点毫无疑问,”巴菲特在交易公布后对CNBC表示。这笔交易对德克萨斯州BNSF的估值为440亿美元,其中包括100亿美元的债务和伯克希尔自2007年以来累积的股份价值。 |
After a few overseas purchases prior to the crisis, Mr Buffett refocused on the US during the turmoil, buying into then-ailing corporate icons like General Electric and Goldman Sachs and urging Americans to purchase US shares. |
在危机前的几宗海外收购之后,巴菲特在金融危机期间将目光重新转向美国。他买入通用电气(General Electric)和高盛(Goldman Sachs)等当时陷入困境的标杆企业股票,并敦促美国人购买本国股票。 |
Doug Kass, general partner at the hedge fund Seabreeze Partners Management and a former Berkshire shareholder, said the BNSF takeover could be a defining moment for the 79-year-old investor. |
对冲基金Seabreeze Partners Management普通合伙人、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司前股东道格•卡斯(Doug Kass)表示,收购BNSF的交易可能是这位79岁投资者的决定性时刻。 |
“Considering the size, this could be Mr Buffet's coup de grace on the deal world. And it's going to take a while to absorb it. I think it's his last meaningful deal,” he said. |
他表示:“从这笔交易的规模看,这可能是巴菲特在交易界决定性的一击。需要一段时间来消化。我认为这是他最后一笔有意义的交易。” |
Mr Buffett said that he would steer clear of large deals for some time but added that, even after paying for BNSF, Berkshire would have more than $20bn in cash. |
巴菲特表示,他将在一段时间内避开大额交易,但补充表示,即使在购买了BNSF之后,伯克希尔仍将拥有200多亿美元的现金。 |
英国《金融时报》弗朗西斯科•格雷拉(Francesco Guerrera)、贾斯廷•巴尔(Justin Baer)纽约、罗伯特•赖特(Robert Wright)伦敦报道 |