Shanghai bucked the broadly weaker tone in the region's stock markets yesterday as economic figures pointed to strong growth in China's manufacturing sector. |
昨日,在亚洲股市普遍走弱的情况下,上海股市逆势上涨。此前发布的经济数据表明,中国制造业增长强劲。 |
The Composite index jumped 2.7 per cent to 3,076.65, its biggest one-day gain for three weeks. |
上证综指跃升2.7%,收于3076.65点,为三周来的最大单日涨幅。 |
China's official purchasing managers' index, produced for the National Bureau of Statistics, came in above the expansionary 50 level in October for an eighth successive month. |
为中国国家统计局编制的中国官方采购经理人指数(PMI),10月份连续第八个月高于50这一表明经济扩张的关口。 |
“The mainland economic recovery is well under way but is far from overheated and there are not yet bubbles in the two key asset classes, residential property and A-shares,” said CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, the brokerage. |
经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)表示:“内地经济的复苏已全面展开,但远未达到过热的程度,住宅房产和A股这两大关键资产类别尚未出现泡沫。” |
“In the absence of bubbles, and with unemployment still high and inflation to remain moderate next year, there is no reason for Beijing to tighten, and we have seen no signals of this. |
“在不存在泡沫、失业率依然高企、明年的通胀水平将保持适度的情况下,北京方面没有理由收紧政策,我们也没有看到这方面的任何迹象。” |
“We do not expect the government to take steps designed to slow growth until the second half of 2010, when we should see a light increase in interest rates.” |
“我们认为,政府会等到2010年下半年才开始采取旨在放缓增长速度的措施,届时利率将有小幅上调。” |
Shenzhen Development Bank rose by its daily 10 per cent limit to Rmb24.73 while Industrial Bank of China added 7.5 per cent to Rmb40.09 after unveiling a 16 per cent rise in third-quarter profits. |
深圳发展银行(Shenzhen Development Bank)昨日涨停,收于24.73元人民币。兴业银行(Industrial Bank of China)上涨7.5%,收于40.09元。该行此前公布,第三季度利润增长16%。 |
Encouraging results from carmakers helped lift shares in the sector. |
汽车制造商的可喜业绩,拉动了该板块个股走高。 |
Chongqing Changan Auto rose 7.4 per cent to Rmb14.02 and SAIC Motor gained 6.3 per cent to Rmb24.68 after both reported strong quarterly profit. |
重庆长安汽车(Chongqing Changan Auto)上涨7.4%,收于14.02元。上汽集团(SAIC Motor)上涨6.3%,收于24.68元。两家公司此前发布的季度利润都相当强劲。 |
The gains for mainland stocks helped Hong Kong pare an early decline. |
在内地股市上涨的带动下,香港股市的早盘跌幅有所收窄。 |
The Hang Seng index finally settled 0.6 per cent lower at 21,620.19, having dropped 2.6 per cent at the start of trading. |
恒生指数(Hang Seng index)开盘下跌2.6%,最终收于21620.19点,下跌0.6%。 |
Uncertainty over the economic recovery in the US helped drive Li & Fung, a leading supplier to US retailers, down 3.7 per cent to HK$31.80 and clothing group Esprit Holdings 1.6 per cent lower to HK$51.65. |
受美国经济复苏前景的不确定性影响,面向美国零售商的主要供应商利丰集团(Li & Fung)股价下挫3.7%,收于31.80港元;制衣集团思捷环球控股(Esprit Holdings)股价下跌1.6%,收于51.65港元。 |