China's economic recovery gained impetus yesterday with figures showing a sharp improvement in exports and imports in September. |
中国经济复苏动力有所增强,昨日发布的数据显示,9月份进出口状况明显改善。 |
The country's trade surplus also fell last month, providing evidence of some rebalancing of the economy as trade tensions persist over cheap goods from China, which is on track to become the world's biggest exporter this year. |
中国上月贸易顺差也有所下降,证明在经济再平衡方面取得了一定进展。但围绕中国廉价商品的贸易紧张状况依然存在。今年中国有望成为全球最大的出口国。 |
China said exports fell by 15.2 per cent in September against the same month last year, compared to a 23.4 per cent decline in August. The improvement was even more pronounced in imports which dropped 3.5 per cent in September after falling 17 per cent the month before, an indication that domestic demand in China is recovering. |
中国表示,9月份出口同比下降15.2%,降幅低于8月份的23.4%;进口的好转更为明显,降幅由8月份的17%缩小至3.5%,说明中国的内需正在回暖。 |
“The sharp improvement in imports likely reflected strong domestic demand for capital goods as a result of stimulus investment and for consumer goods as a result of an unexpected consumption boom,” said Sun Mingchun, of Nomura Securities. |
“进口明显好转,可能反映出对资本品和消费品的国内需求十分旺盛,前者是由于刺激计划中的投资,后者则是由于出人意料的消费热潮,”野村证券(Nomura Securities)的孙明春表示。 |
With imports recovering quicker than exports, the trade surplus is down 25 per cent for the first nine months of the year at $135bn. |
由于进口的回升速度快于出口,今年前9个月,中国贸易顺差收窄25%,至1350亿美元。 |
Despite a reduced surplus, trade tensions could remain high. The main beneficiaries of China's recovering import demand have not been its main export markets in the US and the European Union, but countries producing commodities. |
但尽管顺差收窄,贸易紧张局面仍十分严峻。中国进口需求回升的主要受益者是大宗商品生产国,而非其主要出口市场美国和欧盟。 |
Mark Williams at Capital Economics warned China's trade surplus could rise again. “As commodity stockpiling eases, the trade surplus will rebound and China will face renewed scrutiny of efforts it is taking to rebalance its economy towards domestic demand,” he said. |
Capital Economics的马克•威廉姆斯(Mark Williams)警告,中国贸易顺差可能再度上升。他表示:“随着大宗商品收贮活动放缓,中国贸易顺差将会回升,中国目前旨在增加内需的经济再平衡努力,将面临新的审视。” |
The Obama administration is due to say today whether it believes China manipulates its currency. |
奥巴马政府将于今日宣布,是否认为中国是汇率操纵国。 |