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Iraq has given a consortium led by Eni, the Italian oil group, the right to develop its giant Zubair field, in a deal that signals the country's desire to attract more of the world's biggest oil companies four decades after nationalising its oil industry.


Yesterday's breakthrough, which needs cabinet approval, came after Iraq sweetened its terms following the failure of a June auction. It could lead to further foreign investment in a country with the world's third-largest oil reserves.


As part of the agreement, the Iraqi government told the Eni consortium to drop Sinopec, the Chinese state-owned oil company, as a partner.


Baghdad has vowed to block Sinopec from its oil resources because of its entry into Kurdistan, the oil-rich semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq. In June Sinopec agreed to a C$8.3bn (US$7.2bn) takeover of Addax, which had a stake in the Kurdish Taq Taq field.

由于中石化进入伊拉克北部石油资源丰富、且处于半自治状态的库尔德斯坦,巴格达誓言阻止该公司染指辖下石油资源。今年6月,中石化签署了以83亿加元(合72亿美元)收购Addax的协议,后者持有库尔德Taq Taq油田的部分股权。

Eni and its minority-share partners – Kogas of Korea and Occidental of the US – are only the second group of international oil companies to enter Iraq since it nationalised its industry four decades ago. BP and CNPC were the only companies willing to accept Iraq's tough fiscal terms in the country's June auction.

自从40年前伊拉克将石油业收归国有后,埃尼及其少数股权合作伙伴——韩国天然气公司(Kogas)和美国西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum)——是进入伊拉克的第二个国际石油公司财团。在6月份举行的拍卖中,只有英国石油(BP)和中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)愿意接受伊拉克苛刻的财政条件。

Paolo Scaroni, Eni chief executive, told the Financial Times: “Zubair is one of the most important oil fields in the world. It is one of very few that is capable of producing more than 1m barrels a day. Because we are going to Iraq, it means we will not be doing other things.”

埃尼首席执行官保罗•斯卡罗尼(Paolo Scaroni)向英国《金融时报》表示:“Zubair是世界最重要油田之一,是少数能够日产100万桶以上的油田之一。由于我们就要去伊拉克,这意味着目前我们不会做别的事。”

Mr Scaroni said the project to boost the field's production from 200,000 barrels per day to 1.125m bpd within seven years, as Eni has promised, would require an investment of about $10bn.
