英语听力汇总   |   IMF:不回避评论汇率





The IMF will not shy away from commenting on controversial currency issues in its new role supporting the G20 accord on a framework for balanced global growth agreed in Pittsburgh on Friday, its managing director has said.

国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)表示,IMF将不会回避具争议性的汇率话题,以此扮演其新角色:支持20国集团(G20)上周五在匹兹堡达成的全球经济平衡增长框架。

His comments came as the World Bank president welcomed G20 endorsement of a plan to create a crisis-response loan facility for the poorest countries.


“If the IMF is not talking about currency, who will?” said Dominique Strauss- Kahn, IMF chief. Asked whether this meant including currency issues in the IMF's reports back to the G20 on progress implementing the balanced growth agenda, he said: “Yes.”


Any such commentary is likely to be controversial, with China in particular sensitive about external pressure on it to revalue the renminbi. The G20 was unable to agree any reference to currencies in its communiqué on Friday.


Mr Strauss-Kahn said the IMF could avoid singling out individual countries for blame. “It could be regional, it could be on a particular issue,” he said.


His comments come ahead of the annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank, which begins this weekend in Istanbul. The meetings are likely to see more tough negotiations over an overhaul of voting shares at both institutions.


The G20 communiqué included a commitment to a “shift in quota share to developing countries of at least 5 per cent from over-represented to under-represented countries”.


There was no mention of an overhaul of IMF board seats that generated a pre-summit fight between the US, Britain and France. The IMF negotiations will run until January 2011.


The G20 gave a more unequivocal commitment to increase the vote share of developing nations by “at least 3 per cent” at the World Bank on top of a 1.5 per cent shift under way.

