Barack Obama challenged world leaders yesterday to overcome their “almost reflexive anti-Americanism” to forge a new co-operative relationship with the US and work with Washington to address global problems. |
巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)昨日向世界领导人发出挑战,要求他们克服“近乎反射性的反美情绪”,与美国结成一种新的合作关系,与华盛顿共同努力,应对各种全球问题。 |
In a 37-minute speech, the US president outlined the gravity of the problems facing the world and said neither he nor his country could solve the problems of the world by themselves. |
美国总统在为时37分钟的发言中,阐述了当今世界所面对的各种问题的严重性,并表示,他本人和他的国家都无力独自解决这些问题。 |
“Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problems alone,” he said. |
“那些过去常常责备美国在世界上采取单方面行动的人,现在不能袖手旁观,等着美国独自去解决世界的问题,”他说。 |
Mr Obama said that, in an era where the world's destiny was shared, “power is no longer a zero sum game. No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed.” |
奥巴马表示,在世界共享命运的时代,“权力不再是一种零和游戏。没有一个国家能够或者应当主宰另一个国家。没有一种把一个国家或一个人群抬高到他人之上的世界秩序会取得成功。” |
Mr Obama singled out Iran and North Korea as countries that must do more to co-operate with a world threatened by the prospect of nuclear proliferation. “Those nations that refuse to live up to their obligations must face consequences,” he said. |
奥巴马点了伊朗和朝鲜的名,称这两个国家必须采取更多行动,与受到核扩散前景威胁的世界合作。“那些拒绝履行自身义务的国家,必须面对后果,”他表示。 |
Mr Obama's visit to New York raised high expectations at the UN but also provided an object lesson in the problems facing his foreign policy. A one-day summit on climate change on Tuesday failed to bring a breakthrough ahead of talks in Copenhagen in December, and his attempts to restart Middle East peace talks ran up against the immoveable positions of the Israelis and Palestinians. |
奥巴马的纽约之行在联合国引发了高度期望,但也就他的外交政策所面对的各种问题,给人上了客观的一课。周二为期一天的气候变化峰会,未能在12月哥本哈根谈判之前带来突破。同时,奥巴马重启中东和平谈判的努力,由于以色列和巴勒斯坦都不肯退让而受阻。 |
It was a stern speech that brought polite applause from a packed chamber but no standing ovation. He was followed by Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, who gave a marathon speech three times as long. |
奥巴马的严肃发言,在坐满听众的会议厅中得到了礼貌的掌声,但听众没有起立鼓掌。在他发言之后,利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)作了马拉松式的发言,时间是奥巴马的三倍。 |
译者/和风 |