The foreign owners of a leading Chinese food processing company are to consider a sale, emphasising intense interest by private equity funds to exit investments due to strong Asian market performance. |
一家领先中国食品加工公司的外国所有者将考虑出售所持股份,突显私人股本基金在亚洲市场表现强劲之际退出投资的强烈意愿。 |
People close to the situation said China Minzhong, the food company, was delivering annual earnings before tax of about $60m and could be worth more than $700m. |
据知情人士表示,闽中有机食品有限公司(下称闽中)税前年利润约为6000万美元,价值可能超过7亿美元。 |
China Minzhong is majority-owned by the private equity arm of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation and Olympus Capital, a US fund. It has appointed JP Morgan to advise on a possible sale, say people familiar with the situation. All declined to comment. |
闽中的多数股权由新加坡政府投资公司的私人股本部门及美国基金Olympus Capital持有。据知情人士表示,该公司已经聘请摩根大通(JP Morgan)担任这笔可能的交易的顾问。相关各方均拒绝置评。 |
Minzhong is one of China's big processors of dried, frozen and tinned vegetables, with 70 per cent of sales overseas. |
闽中是中国烘干、冷冻与罐装果蔬大型加工商之一,70%的产品销往海外。 |
Based in Fujian province, it was acquired by the consortium – which includes another Singaporean private equity fund – in a management buy-out in April 2006. |
该公司总部设在福建省,于2006年4月被上述银团(包括另一家新加坡私人股本基金)通过管理层收购(MBO)收入囊中。 |
Minzhong has grown strongly, helped by its reputation as an early mover in China to adopt standards suitable for export markets. |
闽中增长强劲,得益于该公司在中国率先采用适合出口市场的标准的名声。 |
People familiar with the matter said the consortium had discussed selling control to a private equity buyer by a structured deal to list China Minzhong on Singapore's stock exchange. That would allow existing shareholders to keep a minority stake and to benefit from growth. |
知情人士表示,该银团曾讨论通过让闽中在新加坡证券交易所上市的结构化交易,将控制权出售给一个私人股本买家。这将使得现有股东保留少数股权,并从增长中受益。 |
Potential private equity buyers scoffed at the proposed structure. The consortium has fresh plans to pursue a sale. |
潜在私人股本买家对这种拟议的结构不以为然。该银团又提出了新的出售计划。 |
Dealmakers who specialise in Asia's private equity scene said funds regionwide are combing portfolios to monetise assets. |
专攻亚洲私人股本领域的交易撮合者表示,亚洲各地的基金正在梳理资产组合,将资产套现。 |
They said portfolio companies acquired in so-called “vintage” years of 2005 and 2006 could typically deliver up to three-times gains at current market levels. “Private equity funds need to recycle some of their investments to return cash to shareholders – and an asset like China Minzhong is ripe to divest because it was bought before prices took off in 2007 and 2008,” said one dealmaker. |
他们表示,在所谓的2005和2006“酿制”年收购的资产组合公司,按照目前的市场水平,一般可获得高达3倍的增值。一名交易撮合者表示:“私人股本基金需要回收它们的一些投资,向股东返还现金——像闽中这样的资产,剥离时机已经成熟,因为它是在2007年和2008年价格飞速上升前购买的。” |
Carlyle Group, the US fund, last week sold Kbro, its Taiwanese cable-television operator, to Taiwan Mobile in a cash and shares deal worth $1bn. TPG, another global fund, is preparing a $2bn Australian listing of its Myer department store chain. |
美国基金凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)上周通过价值10亿美元的现金加股票交易,将旗下的台湾有线电视运营商凯擘股份(Kbro)出售给了台湾大哥大(Taiwan Mobile)。另一家全球性基金德州太平洋集团(TPG),正在准备旗下连锁百货商店Myer价值20亿美元的澳大利亚上市。 |
Wumart Stores – a Chinese supermarket operator in which TPG has a small stake – is in talks to acquire Times, a Hong Kong-listed rival, for about $600m, people close to the matter said. |
据知情人士表示,德州太平洋集团持有少数股权的中国超市运营商物美(Wumart Stores),正就对香港上市竞争对手——时代零售集团有限公司(Times)价值约6亿美元的收购进行谈判。 |
译者/董琴 |