CLSA, the Asia-focused brokerage arm of Credit Agricole, has scrapped a controversial scheme that slashed staff pay, in a sign of the dramatic reversal in the fortunes of financial groups operating in the region. |
里昂证券(CLSA)撤销了一项具有争议的员工减薪计划,标志着在亚洲开展业务的金融集团命运发生惊人逆转。作为法国农业信贷银行(Credit Agricole)旗下企业,里昂证券主要从事亚洲经纪业务。 |
At the height of the financial crisis, hundreds of its top staff agreed to voluntary pay cuts of up to 25 per cent throughout 2009 to stave off the threat of redundancy. |
在金融危机的高潮时期,里昂证券的数百名最高层员工同意在2009年度自愿减薪最高达25%,以避免裁员的威胁。 |
However, CLSA’s fortunes have turned round so unexpectedly that it has shelved the scheme three months early and repaid staff the forgone income. |
然而,里昂证券的时运发生了如此出人意料的逆转,以至公司提前三个月搁置了该计划,并补偿了员工所损失的收入。 |
In addition, it is to introduce a new incentive plan that could result in all 1,350 employees receiving a pay boost of up to 25 per cent if the firm hits “achievable” cost reduction ¬targets. |
此外,公司还将引进一套新的激励计划:如果公司实现“可以达到”的成本削减目标,全部1350名员工就可能得到最高达25%的加薪。 |
“The business is going well and we want all staff to benefit should it continue to improve, including the tea ladies,” Jonathan Slone, chief executive of CLSA Asia Pacific Markets, told the Financial Times. |
“生意正在好转,如果能继续改善,我们希望所有员工都能从中获益,包括茶水小姐在内,”里昂证券亚太市场首席执行官乔纳森•斯隆(Jonathan Slone)向英国《金融时报》表示。 |
Mr Slone said that CLSA was able to reverse course on pay after successfully reducing costs and because of the sharp rise in business in recent months in Asia. |
斯隆称,里昂证券能够改变薪酬计划,是在公司成功削减成本之后,并得益于最近几个月亚洲业务的急速回升。 |
“We have been profitable every month this year,” he said. |
“我们今年每个月都实现盈利,”他表示。 |
Asia’s equity markets have surged in recent months as the region’s developing economies posted rising growth rates thanks largely to government stimulus packages. |
亚洲股市近几个月大幅回升,各发展中经济体的增长速度都出现提升,这在很大程度上要归功于政府的经济刺激计划。 |
While CLSA does not pay investment banking-level salaries – top staff are believed to pocket a basic annual pay cheque of up to $300,000 – its revamped salary structure will fuel the perception among financial groups in Asia that they must raise compensation to retain and attract staff. |
虽然里昂证券的薪酬尚未达到投资银行水平——据信最高层员工的年度基本薪酬最高为30万美元——但其薪酬结构发生的改变会促使亚洲金融集团产生这样一种观点,即他们必须提高薪酬才能留住和吸引员工。 |
译者/管婧 |